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About bushwaker123

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    Rookie Hunter

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  1. If the EBT was that good then why outcross to other bull blood to create the type in your picture.
  2. mostly hidden profile..some pics of whippets.57 posts..who the fecks goin to listen to you?? the mans copied someones hard work and tried peddling cheap copies. if his leather work is great well good on him...i stand by my previous statement....shame on him for his actions and lack of moral fibre.... try helping other members on the site for a while beforeyou start calling peope muppits...gob shite Im guessing you consider your self a muppet then seeing you quoted me You have past help
  3. Bulldoug those leather collars you make are of a very high standard. A friend had some off you not long ago and to tell the truth i have never seen leather work like it quality work. I will be in contact myself in the future. All the best don't listen to these muppets on here.
  4. Cant be that good as its for sale. Good dogs dont get sold full stop.
  5. And a whole lot more people think it's a hyped up, internet legend, money making dog, that it's owner will put to any bitch, any breed, as long as the £££ are there ! Cheers. darren wont be happy about this.he doesnt like the truth. Like I give a f**k ? I had Whippets, (and Lurchers, Salukis,etc,) when he was still on his ma's tit ! Don't know the guy, but he sounds like a "Legend Wannabee" !! Cheers. So that makes you a legend??? Running dogs have been around for 100's and 100's of years befor you was on ya ma's tit. So does this make you a legend wannabee??? I tho
  6. Agreed not hard is it realy. Basic dog ownership.
  7. You judge a man having never met him. This statement alone tells other so much about the caliber of man you are.
  8. Get a back bone and go knock on the breeders door and ask for your papper work. Darren has nothing to do with this breeding other than studding out his dog. By the way the breeder of the litter in question is and has been a member of THL for years. Have you bothered to pm him???
  9. What happened to the terrier you had from up north that you paid £50 for and sold on a few days later for good money knowing the breeder you got it from was coming to get it back as you said it was shit. You still got those other 2 terriers aswell ???
  10. You dont we know that as fact. Your in the same catagory as this fanny.
  11. Ok try this.............take your thumb and index finger and shove it up its arse, squeeze the rabbit towards you until you can feel its fronth teeth, grab the front teeth with both fingers and then pull towards yourself as hard as you can. The rabbit will be pulled inside out. Its an instant death and gutted at the same time...............atb fk me did you learn that off poachers rest. No he learned it from some fat fooker on the lurcher and longdogs forum. Good point. Nobody learns ANYTHING on poachers rest. After the post on the lurcher and long dog forum the other
  12. Ok try this.............take your thumb and index finger and shove it up its arse, squeeze the rabbit towards you until you can feel its fronth teeth, grab the front teeth with both fingers and then pull towards yourself as hard as you can. The rabbit will be pulled inside out. Its an instant death and gutted at the same time...............atb fk me did you learn that off poachers rest. No he learned it from some fat fooker on the lurcher and longdogs forum.
  13. I get it your a woman. Should have guessed from the bitchy comments lol.
  14. Ci5 why not grow some balls and phone the lad or knock on his door and tell him how you feel.
  15. I very much doubt you will be running the same stuff in 20-30 years joball if they were that good ye would have pup's from that litter instead of giving them to staffs riffraff and tb25 in the 2 years ive been on here ive seen you go from die hard beddy cross to greyhound to bull cross to whippets Ye but the prat always makes sure he has a litter or two out of them befor they go.
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