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Saluki bull grey

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Everything posted by Saluki bull grey

  1. Just had to have the mastiff put down due to moving into a smaller house. He had aggresive cancer but pulled through a few year ago but went extemly vicious towards stranges after the operation so it was impossible to rehome. He was 9 year old and will be sadley missed RIP TYSON
  2. Its good stuff Ive used it for a while makes the shit runny only bad thing about it. Wouldnt advise it for pupsast all
  3. I bought it 3 days ago for 70 pound il take 65 whats hard to understand about that.. Im not dealing with you cause your iq is to low. And jenky u il send u p.m live 2 mins away
  4. you dont need a connector to see if it works
  5. haha what a idiot u aint gettin the lamp altogether so stick your money. Sounds like its a scam
  6. also practicaly brand new barbour medium size will do both for 110
  7. Striker variable just the lamp ive cut the jack plug off in fully workin order I want 65 quid
  8. ill give you 85 if he will post it will send money today let me no
  9. Il give ya 50 pound if you will post it mate will send money off today p.m me if its still there
  10. Starting to get a bit more info mate wont be long till you find out who has her. Could you not contact police and ask them to do a vehicle search on a renault traffic with the same start of registration as above surly there wont be many local worth a try
  11. Load of crap really mate full of stuk up fuckerd with there poodles lol nothing to do with working dogs Were abouts is harewood is it down yorkshire way
  12. Mine dogs got a turning circle like a boat lol
  13. I mate do a load all over the country, its shite local to us

  14. there is animals what you can run in this country which can weigh up to 5 times the weight of a bull x. What that bite back, yes there's boar that on odd occasion will bite but most don't and if talking in deer that's a different subject as they kick not bite. Always been brought up with gameness in a dog is for fighting dogs who take on something equal in weight and power that bite back not being kicked. in my opinion deer takes hardness and prey drive in a dog not gameness Bucks and stags do more then kick I think
  15. there is animals what you can run in this country which can weigh up to 5 times the weight of a bull x.
  16. cracker that mate how tall is he at the minute and how talls his parent. Thanks
  17. Ive got a few pics of her on 1 of me merory cards ill get them up
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