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Status Replies posted by baw

  1. still waiting on fencing being delivered, fxcken hudding me back

  2. so sore after the night at labs....

  3. I dont know whats more disturbing, my mother telling me my sisters a lesbian, or my dad winking at me saying "no shes not"

  4. I might be wrong......

  5. I might be wrong......

  6. I might be wrong......

  7. You are a mystery....

  8. put over half a stone on in just over a week should be back to 13 eny time soon you gaylords

  9. I might be wrong......

  10. Celtic boys under 15s were packing bags at Asda Motherwell on Friday when a member of staff asked them to remove there Celtic blazers and club ties as 3 of the staff had complained along with some customers! When some of the brave boys refused the whole lot were asked to leave! True story!..f**k Asda and its Bigots!!!!

  11. Celtic boys under 15s were packing bags at Asda Motherwell on Friday when a member of staff asked them to remove there Celtic blazers and club ties as 3 of the staff had complained along with some customers! When some of the brave boys refused the whole lot were asked to leave! True story!..f**k Asda and its Bigots!!!!

  12. Celtic boys under 15s were packing bags at Asda Motherwell on Friday when a member of staff asked them to remove there Celtic blazers and club ties as 3 of the staff had complained along with some customers! When some of the brave boys refused the whole lot were asked to leave! True story!..f**k Asda and its Bigots!!!!

  13. put over half a stone on in just over a week should be back to 13 eny time soon you gaylords

  14. time 2 clean the dog run ,and walk the dogs

  15. How many folk on here know much about nature?

  16. I remember when this was all fields...,

  17. I remember when this was all fields...,

  18. Petal, calm yourself and stay focused!

  19. got shown round new permission , bring on next season baby

  20. I'm gonna get a bad reputation....

  21. I'm gonna get a bad reputation....

  22. I'm gonna get a bad reputation....

  23. Why does it always have to be me!!!!

  24. Why does it always have to be me!!!!

  25. Why does it always have to be me!!!!

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