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Everything posted by vfr400boy

  1. Not sure wher you will get one we had a cash special on the farm wher I worked it was very well made and reliable
  2. Just seen this thread I raised 6 turkey's and 2 gesse I won't do gesse agen thay make a lot of mess and eat a fair bit lol
  3. Thanks mark , when will thay start laying ?
  4. I have been given a pair off garden pigeons to get me started as I have never keeped them before but I wud love a pair of white racers I will try put a pic up of my new birds <a href="http://s1186.photobucket.com/user/vfr400boy/media/Mobile%20Uploads/image_zps94e5e45b.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1186.photobucket.com/albums/z363/vfr400boy/Mobile%20Uploads/image_zps94e5e45b.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo image_zps94e5e45b.jpg"/></a>
  5. Another quick question what should I be feeding my guinea's ? Ther in a 10m square run thanks
  6. Thanks mark just have and some look a lot smaller than my box , I think I will just get a pair ?
  7. I saw a kit box that's where I got the idea of use ing my hutch from but may be ther just for rollers ?
  8. I have a 6 x 4 shed with a 12x6 run on it but am over wintering my hens in ther maybe I shuld wait till spring
  9. I have all ways wanted some pigeones and I have now found a bloke in the next village selling white raceing pigeones , I have a 6 ft buy 2.5 ft hutch that's 2.5 ft tall on legs ( I used to keep bantams in it ) how meany birds will live in there , the birds are a year old so will I be Abel to let them out or just ther young ? And how easy do thay breed ? Sorry for all the questions
  10. I have just got 2 guineas , ( about 2 months ago ) thay have settled in well , is it true you can't sex them ? I'd like to hatch some off , thanks Chris
  11. Me and my mate made them years ago we put some belly pork in so thay did not dry out they were spot on !
  12. Thanks talt I was just un sure , we throw away about 5 kg a day
  13. The shed it will need some draft around it I'd build block or brick shed with ply pens inside ?
  14. I think it will get damp and rot ?
  15. Hi I have started a new job an can get carmalisesd peanut bits ( pea nuts cooked in a bit ov sugar ) are these any good for my hens ? Or to feed to my turkey's ? Thanks
  16. I have a pair of Irish setters ther comfy water proof very warm and hard wearing had them 3 years now
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