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Everything posted by gravel

  1. dont let him see anything yet just let him grow at his own accord
  2. hi mate bought new batterys today still the same , ive cleaned the contacts, they looked fine, the battery still feels as if its getting hot,? there must be a bad connection someware, as with the battery getting hot? but i wouldnt even know where to start, i think its the old model, made in Belarus, the unit was working fine up until now, so fustrsting. I havent been using recharge batterys! any help would be appreciated.
  3. my night vision unit wont swiitch on , its been working fine , but tonight cant get it to switch on, and when i feel the battery it feels very hot when removed? any idears?
  4. empty your inbox tried to pm ya
  5. sorry to hear about your loss , it all takes time. thinkin of ya.
  6. Can anyone recomend good cheap wall mounts for my 2 Air riffles.
  7. Great Vid lads, nice looking dogs, wish mine behaved half as good as yours.still cant believe how some people always slag other peoples dogs off, lets see your on camera, LOL.
  8. Made one myself, cost me next to nothing with bits from work, not done much with it yet, but im the same , ive been experimenting with differnt oils, used car oil , vegetable oil etc, etc, the trouble i had was that somtimes the nozzle would keep catching on fire, which was a enoying, ive heard boiled linsead oil is ok , but that is still expensive, im going to make another bottom half with more coils, which i think should create more heat? and see what happens, ill let ya know how i go on, must admit tho it do look impressive when its working correctly, a chain saw noise , and shouting dogs
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