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Everything posted by jetro

  1. I always had a small circle of friends, mainly due to different interests I suppose. My eyes were opened to a number of thing in the last couple of months, I was surprised by some of it. Atb j
  2. Have the first grand daughter here at the moment, which is brilliant, grandson due in January,. It just came to me in the last few weeks, what and who is really important in my life, and more importantly who isn't. Cutting off dead wood, and feeling the better for it. Atb j
  3. It's only recently that the I'm beginning to understand this. As I get that bit older (nearly 50, which is by no means, what soever old) I'm finding out who and what is really important in my life, and how much smaller my circle of friends has gotten, and what family really means, the good and bad bits. I can see the next few years been really relaxing lol Anyone else find this Atb j
  4. A man was hunting when a gust of wind blew, the gun fell over & discharged, shooting him in the genitals. Several hours later, lying in a hospital bed, he was approached by his doctor. "Well, sir, I have some good news & some bad news. The good news is that you are going to be OK. The damage was local to your groin, there was very little internal damage, & we were able to remove all of the buckshot." "What's the bad news?" asked the hunter. "The bad news is that there was some pretty extensive buckshot damage done to your willy which left quite a few holes in it. I'm go
  5. Earth and blood. A good enough movie Atb j
  6. Perhaps its meaning is getting lost in time as few people nowadays literally suck eggs. Many years ago people would suck out the egg contents by piercing the egg at both ends and then sucking on one of the ends. You could reverse the procedure and blow out the contents also. It was such a commonplace procedure then that to "teach your grandmother to suck eggs" was like a child trying to teach as new something the grandmother well knew how to do. The saying still survives despite the fine art dying out in our "civilized" and salmonella fearing culture. hope this helps Atb j
  7. Does he not exist during the day LOL Atb j
  8. Same as mine, lol. "WE" put a new put new tiles and bath in this week, but I dont remember her been there with me LOL, she assures me she was though, who am I to argue lol Atb j
  9. Another one "I swear to god", as if that's going to make it more believable lol. Atb j
  10. One I hate " watch this space" One person has to use it in every conversation, and with the finger gestures. Atb j
  11. Is that not fairly used up your way, as in "sure fella, that's right fella" ect ect Atb j
  12. Never heard that one, does it mean ready to kick off, explode Atb j
  13. I have 6 or 7 seasons here. I'll give it a go, worst case scenario, turn it off LOL. Atb j
  14. Lol. It's thrown in the press here for a while, just didn't get round to watching it. Is it as good as it's hyped up to be. I found vikings very good to be honest, and a few told me that game of thrones is no where as good as it Atb j
  15. Got the box set of game of thrones here, is it worth watching Atb j
  16. https://www.(!64.56:886/1513833824/posts/10220165111387369/ Atb j
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