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Status Replies posted by judge2010

  1. It's that special time of day when the luscious scent of sizzling pig fills the air.. Bacon time! :)

  2. saw a fox take a phesent bang outside my flat window.

  3. saw a fox take a phesent bang outside my flat window.

  4. what a boring day! might go and nob lab's mrs'

  5. what a boring day! might go and nob lab's mrs'

  6. hiya just a question about my a hw95 k bought from a friend cheap cos the stock has been split then glued and stapled so im looking for a stock but not doin very wel haha anyone know were i cud get one cheers jay

  7. what a boring day! might go and nob lab's mrs'

  8. "You don't know what your doing, you don't know what your doing"....

  9. im so glad i dont drink

  10. why cant pete & kate work things out!

  11. why cant pete & kate work things out!

  12. Rab C Nesbit starts next wed BBC2 at 10pm.........Ya beauty Mary Doll....lol

  13. I hate when farmers start rumours. . . . f*****g shit spreaders !!

  14. Wrecked at a wedding last night, knackered now!

  15. Worst weekend in ages . . . every member of the team broken, so no ferreting :-(

  16. well just had a bash,at making my own burgers.and i have to say.i will defo be sticking to mcdonalds lol

  17. you back home no lab? or an internet cafe in cardiff?

  18. you back home no lab? or an internet cafe in cardiff?

  19. there is nothing more annoying that someone who's made a reasonably decent vid of hounds only to put a shitty tune over the real soundtrack!

  20. there is nothing more annoying that someone who's made a reasonably decent vid of hounds only to put a shitty tune over the real soundtrack!

  21. had a phone call from lab last night pissed saying how much he misses everyone on THL lol reyt funny

  22. had a phone call from lab last night pissed saying how much he misses everyone on THL lol reyt funny

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