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Rake aboot

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Status Replies posted by Rake aboot

  1. Anyone got a loan of a live catch fox trap edinburgh area?

  2. If your big enough to delete a thread AND a status update man up and send a pm as to why........ Helmet!!

  3. What's that mincer on x factor all about? Needs a volley to the heid......

  4. hi this is craigboys wife leanne i have some bad news my husband has passed away on the 17 sep im sorry but could you please tell all his hunting life friends he was always on here thanks x

    1. Rake aboot

      Rake aboot

      I hope you get to look at the Craigyboy thread Leanne, Hopefully it will show how well liked he was, We are all gutted at the terrible news and have been thinking about you all.

    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  5. Is fed up sorting out household stuff......never get joint anything again, f**k that!!!!

    1. Rake aboot

      Rake aboot

      And theres you buying a body dumping van eh ??? when was the poor girl last seen ???

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  6. Been married 6 years today! :)

    1. Rake aboot

      Rake aboot

      Well done to you and Missus Malt

      Me and her have our aniversary today as well,,,,23yrs ! Hah, life sentence.lol

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  7. If you must send me a personal message, then please at least try and make it readable! Whatever happened to punctuation?

  8. If you must send me a personal message, then please at least try and make it readable! Whatever happened to punctuation?

    1. Rake aboot

      Rake aboot

      Well it wisnae me this time,,yah fukin bawbag ! lol

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  9. Tattoo complete....:-) Next one booked in for middle of March.....lovely!!

    1. Rake aboot

      Rake aboot

      Entry only tattood above his ring piece !! lol

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  10. Well av dropped her off at a night out and theres 8 stella cidre with my name on them...........;-)

    1. Rake aboot

      Rake aboot

      Barsteward!!! Ah`m stuck oot oan the frozen oceans an aw you kin talk aboot is drink !!! f**k ah need a pint!

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

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