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About CityHunter.uK

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 13/10/1977

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    North East

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  1. I am saying the policy covers you if your bird does something wrong too upto a reasonable amount additional policy may be overkill unless its pet insurance for vet bills your wanting
  2. flown birds on landfills where fireworks are used as well as the birds to scare away the gulls and the hawks and falcons do not bother a jot. Although this is probably to do more with experience so if you have an anxious bird that has not been exposed to loud noised you may have smashed up feathers from it baiting about.
  3. I have heard of kids getting hit by hawks usually a case of mistaken identity expected to hear that the child had a yellow pom pom on its hat and the hawk mistook it for a chick. Still the knee jerk response from the media should be a pleasure. Problem with today is everyone has an opinion and in most cases no knowledge on which to base it other than what they read or heard from the media. Expect LACS and PETA to be seizing on this accident as an opportunity to try and ban falconry as we know they are already after shooting.
  4. You not considered joining BASC they cover falconry as well as shooting
  5. green is just the bird griping as you drop its weight you find it in wild bird crap when they have missed out on food for a day
  6. I would suggest the bird you want to fly for the next 10 - 15 years as your first bird. Too many are used in the old method of birds for a season and this is surely a social construct from when birds were caught in passage and flown then easily returned to the wild many years ago or possibly in countries where the laws are different. If you want to fly hawks pick your hawk Harris, Redtail, Gos, Spar etc. If you want to fly falcons pick the falcon you want peregrine hybred, tribred, Saker, Kestrel etc. There needs to be a change in falconry from this a bird is for a season to a bird i
  7. good luck finding one that does all that and is for sale. Most end up for sale as people cant get them to to do one of the things you have requested. Finding those ok with dogs is the hardest. Have you thought of imprinting a one and rearing it with the dog your going to use so it overcomes natural instinct to be wary of them and scream?
  8. CityHunter.uK


    Well it fit snug around the beak and did not come off with the scratching. There were no signs of dampening where the eyes are inside which would suggest a bad fit. The bird just doesnt like being hooded the guy I got it off had kept it in an avairy for a year and he got it off some other guy who claimed he flew it but judging by the weights I was told I think he was talking out his Still I wanted a perexprarie and will get it flying and see if that helps settle it down once its molted. Did for another bird I had that was a bit wild and batey. Once flying free it was a different bird.
  9. If it is smear the bugger with vasaline so that it has to release its head to breath then pull it with a pair of tweezers near the ear as you can so you dont pull its head off and leave it in the ear to fester
  10. they still chew through para cord it just takes longer
  11. Kits update All Jills and 4 hobs gone to good homes Only got 2 Albino hobs left now Whitley Bay Area approximately 4 months old now PM if interested.
  12. CityHunter.uK


    Tried a hood and cadge and it baited like a on that damaging primaries, it also scratched its sear trying to remove the hood. The bird boxes fine now no hood. I prefer boxes to cadges so that if stuff falls over the bird is protected I use my van for more than just carrying birds.
  13. check older threads there full of the info you seek
  14. CityHunter.uK


    no got rid of that one as I couldnt knock the attacking people out of it. For all she was nuts attached people and mantled like crazy she never broke a feather in the 3 years I had her. This new pereprarie is a parent reared and had been kept in an avairy for 2 years so when it came out it broke its feathers by baiting in the box and so to try and maintain a level of calm its being molted on a block this year although its made the molt bloody slow all my other falcons are done now and ready to get going
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