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About 388phil

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  1. He will be ten months old now,he's got a decent nose on him,This is the only picture I have of his sister.
  2. The dog was six months old when those pictures were taken.
  3. I very rarely comment on Plummer posts and it's because of people like WM who know everything about everything. Your point about breeding your own dogs on the back of other people ,we all did 'where the f**k did you get your dogs from.I really hate self professed professionals who have no back up.Self promotion is no recommendation.
  4. This is off the Kennel club page, The basis of breed shows is the judging of pedigree dogs against the 'Breed Standard', which is a picture in words that describes each breed of pedigree dog. For all licensed breed shows, the Kennel Club Breed Standards must be used for the judging of pedigree dogs. The Breed Standards are owned by the Kennel Club, and all changes are subject to approval by the Kennel Club General Committee.
  5. As bad as things are now, the breed would be in a lot more trouble if it wasn't for the outcross so has anyone any suggestions how we go about getting the club committee's talking.
  6. "Nice looking dog , but why slag me, Cos my pup looks Better than yours, (whats the breeding) etc etc . Dont even go there" Hello Gravel. Why is your dogs breeding such a secret???
  7. Obviously a man of vast experience how many Plummers have you had. I never have and never will have one buddy... I thought that, and yet you dismiss the breed without any knowledge or experience of them.
  8. Obviously a man of vast experience how many Plummers have you had.
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