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Everything posted by Gunner123

  1. Lets be honest how many members on here can actually read. Lets be brutally honest here, how many on here actually fecking hunt !? not a dig but gnasher16 i know you have admitted on being here to read and learn and self admitted do not hunt, not a direct dig but f**k me its not brain surgery going on the type of posts by our top posters ! why do people need to hunt to join a hunting forum? That's the problem with this forum, and I am very sure alot agree with that issue.
  2. Laughing at another mans misfortunes ................i bet your a real popular guy. You may be banned but anyone in your home who is not also banned from owning dogs means dogs still can be a part of your home as long as the other family members are the registered owners. I'm well aware you know this, so no reason to teach you to suck eggs. why ohh why would you air such a thing on a public hunting forum, kudos, image maybe ? Then cry when someone makes comment. Dry your eyes, and remove WILF from your anus.
  3. I'll talk how I see fit and won't be told to talk otherwise. Simple. I for one wouldn't go posting some of the personal comments people post on here! They do, then for sure have to expect comments good or bad! Bullies hang out in couples, huhhimm. Lowest form of human nature, wipe that proverbial poo of your nose WILF and keep it out of gnashers arse.
  4. Casso, i see totally where you are coming from. I would tend to lean towards your arguement, having a few dogs and spending very close proximity time is different than spending limited time with a yard of 30 plus dogs. Dont listen to gnasher , hes fecking banned from owning dogs which speaks volumes in itself LOL! sorry gnash you asked for that one !
  5. My point in hand liam , well said. The fecking know it all's on here are a dime a dozen.
  6. <p><p> .....doesnt mean i cant have an interest and desire to gain knowledge though does it ?..... I didnt say you didnt. I wasnt aware you were banned from owning dogs, thats you covered from my observations then lol you been a bad boy mr gnash :0)
  7. Best left for those who know understand and worthy of the breed.
  8. <p> Lets be honest how many members on here can actually read. Lets be brutally honest here, how many on here actually fecking hunt !? not a dig but gnasher16 i know you have admitted on being here to read and learn and self admitted do not hunt, not a direct dig but f**k me its not brain surgery going on the type of posts by our top posters !
  9. Admirable of you butch to give the dog a thoughtful home, were he possibly could have been passed on from pillar to post or worse, abused. Ignore the know it all idiots on here who will give their uneducated inexperienced opinions to try and belittle you. You did the right thing by the dog and yourself, work him or not, he has a cracking home i believe. Those with their smart comments couldn't do right by a dog like that. Good luck with him and keep us posted, well "us" that are truely interested.
  10. Roses are red, violets are blue, i'm a schizophrenic and so am i.
  11. Has he not been in yet ? LOL
  12. You got twatted by spastics, who gives a wank what you think?! I think you're an ignorant timewasting scrounger so I guess that makes us even or maybe not, as your opinion of me is unfounded whereas mine is based on experience. Hurrah Hurrah he's back ! LOL
  13. Gunner123


    Feeding him what at the minute ? Kibble i would imagine ?
  14. Call it a birthday present Hahaha
  15. No pitbulldogs , no Bull X lurchers, unless you wanted to cross the second rate working stafford which in itself is as rare as rocking horse shite. I dont like ferrets, but it dont make them a waste of space because i dont work or own them. They have their purpose.
  16. Good luck in your quest, hope you get what your looking for.
  17. Rehabilitated ?? i didnt know you had a drink problem Haha!(PS) go have a look at the "A real W@NKER" thread HAHAHA! couldnt resist!
  18. Thats an edited version , this was the real person - -- - Hahahahahahaha!!!
  19. You are reformed man compared to what you once was Hahaha Lets not go all soft now you . .. . you . .. . curtain twitcher Haha
  20. Huhimmm .. i think i tried my best to insult him . .. .. . LOL
  21. A big powerful breed, another case of breeding for looks , image or type. These breeders leave temperament at the door, it should be first and foremost when breeding such animals. Most rare fancy dog breeds are never bred on temperament , more so a physical attribute. Makes for unstable dogs, accidents waiting to happen.
  22. Happy birthday Mr SS. May the hooker you celebrate your birthday with give you a dose. Don't take it out on him. LOL
  23. And this . ... . ... My invisible man suit.
  24. Load bearing bones usually alot tougher and said not to be as good for a dog, if there is a load of meat still left on i would let them/him work away. Did you take the staff/boxer cross LB ?
  25. fibre optic - weve only just had gas I forgot, you still live in a mud hut LOL
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