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mal mason

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Everything posted by mal mason

  1. sorry guys its sold nearly right away regards mal
  2. harris type bi-pod, not sure if it is a harris or not bought it from a guy at game fair, it was new when i bought it, it extends to sitting position at 24" and when closed its at 13" its in great condition and will fit on a carrying atrap nipple and when fitted the strap will go back on, great peice of kit for sitting in the field steady aim, can send pics to mobile or email if required. regards mal oh by the way im in warrington £20 pick up or £25 posted cheers NOW SOLD SOLD SOLD
  3. still got some astro turf left, the people that have bought some found it to be great stuff, ideal for gardens, sheds, and falconry blocks and perches pm me if intrested regards i am in warrington cheshire mal. PRICE DROP TO £15 A SHEET
  4. Im after a foxing lamp set up, battery-filter-charger ect ect, if any one has one for sale, need a good beam around 400m, thanks guys pm me if you have one regards mal
  5. I have some astro turf in 5ftx5ft at £20 a sheet, would swap four sheets for good fox lamp with clip on filter and battery. im in warrington cheshire
  6. will they fit on the wife so i know where she is all the time ha ha sorry couldnt resist..
  7. mal mason

    astro turf

    still got plenty astro turf left if any one intrested 5ft x 5ft sheets £20 each taken from football pitch cleaned all sand from them, ideal for sheds mews blocks and perches, please pm me if intrested, regards mal PRICE DROP TO £15 A SHEET
  8. i made mine for a bell mount mate, cut a thick plastic peice into plec shape, then two holes half way down with leather strip threaded through the holes so you have two even leanths bout an inch, seperate the two middle tail feathers with a peice of card so you have them on the card with the other feathers underneath, put another small hole near the bottom of the plec thread a small zip tie through and attach a bell, now mix some amerite and glue the two leather strips to the tail feather as near to the top as you can then tie the two peices with two zip ties each side as it takes a while to s
  9. good stuff, from football pitch rubber backed, ideal for gardens, sheds, and falconer blocks and perches, selling in 5ftx5ft sheets £20 each going fast so be quick, pm me for details and pics will send to email if needed, regards mal
  10. this tent is the dogs....its as new, only used once, and bought early this year, it has two large rooms that open into one very large room, fully sealed, fully vented, 3 door entry, canopy on tent, coloured guide ropes for safety, also a very large canopy for cooking under would fit the full family with table and chairs and more underneath great protection from thr weather, no more lying in the tent when it rains, standing room under canopy, full set up leanth is=4.85m and the width is=3.60m all cost £414 early this year will sell for £220 as need cash for caravan, im in warrington and se
  11. i have around 40 sheets of 5ftx5ft
  12. I have plenty of astro turf for sale at the moment in 5ft square pieces at £20 a piece if intrested PM me will go so be quick regards mal.
  13. mal mason

    astro turf

    any one need any astro turf, got plenty for sale, PM me if intrested regards mal
  14. mate dont let distence get between us ha ah
  15. to be honest with you jjm it cost me around £400 to make it and it would probably be stronger than the ones you buy, i had it up for sale for around £300 then dropped it to £250 on a big loss so would take £250 for it mate.
  16. This trailer is made from 3 quarter inch ply and topped with aluminium sheet for protection, it has four compartments two of which have perches in and would hold two harris hawk size birds another large compartment to hold two springer size dogs and another one for storage, dirty boots and clothing, caught animals and such,it also has new tyers, new jocky wheel with hitch lock, and never been used or out on the road, really is a good peice of kit only reason im selling is i need to fuund a new rifle, please PM me with your email add, or mobile number for pics if interested, im based in warring
  17. plenty of people who are into falconry have great hearts pal and im sure if you dont find any one on here who is near you you would find some one on the international falconry forum regards mal
  18. try international falconry forum, loads of breeders on there pal
  19. keep your ears open for any small dogs going missing ha ha if they are hunting they will take hare size dogs and a bit bigger easy, my got imagine it?
  20. My hawking trailer is back up for sale due to timewasters, dont you just hate it when people say they want something and then just dont turn up any way moan over, it is very strongly made from three quarter inch ply wood topped with aluminium sheeting for extra protection, it has four compartments two for hawks with perch, and one large compartment could hold two springer size dogs all with locks, also a large compartment for dirty boots and caught animals and so on, it has three new tyers including spare, also new jocky wheel and hitch lock, great peice of kit for the falconer, only selling t
  21. Still have my hawking trailer for sale due to time wasters, its very well made strong and tough made from three quarter inch ply and treated and topped with aliminium for extra protection, it has four compartments, two for hawks with perches and one large compartment that would hold a couple of medium dogs like springers, also has a large compartment for storage, dirty boots clothing and caught animals ect ect, all doors lock for security, its never been used never been out on the road, it has three new tyers including spare, new jocky wheel, and hitch lock, this is a really nice peice of kit
  22. dont bother pal little bleeders try a nice springer mate or sprocker they will treat you right and be great with your bird if trained with them, my springer has a great relationship with the harris hawk fantastis dogs and ne attitude like the yorkie bit they do make great ratters ha ha regards mal
  23. hi mate, i get a 1000 at a time from my local pet shop in warrington dont know if he delivers but i will ask hium if you want me to or even better i will pm you his number if that helps my friend regards mal.
  24. I check out my hawking trailer for sale in miscellaneous
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