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Mickey Finn

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Posts posted by Mickey Finn

  1. Too much too soon. I think 14-18 months before any real pressure is applied. Even longer if your pup is on the soft side.


    Philluk's advice is good! So, use that as your plan.


    Especially like his advive on setting the pups mood during training. Try to remember, you want your puppy to be happy when training. If the pup seems flat, or training is not going well. Get the pup to follow a command, any command. Then praise her, alot and put her up for the day.


    Have fun!


    They abolished the death penalty in Ma. but surely this comes under terrorism and Federal Law?

    But if they murdered someone from a state with a death penalty they can be extradited to ride the lightning, breathe in fumes or receive a few injections!

    It's pretty much a Federal crime. But, we'll have to see which version of American Justice he recieves.




    I'm glad they are caught/finished of course. But, it sounds like the FBI was asked by a foreign government (Russia?) to interview the older brother a couple of years ago. They thought he had been radicalized.


    Our FBI couldn't find any ties to terrorists. :icon_eek::icon_redface:


    From talented boxer to dead terrorist in just three years. The short miserable life of Tamerlan Tsarnaev.



    your police couldnt find his brother hiding in a boat with a blood trail leading to it :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Their city guys. lol

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  4. I'm glad they are caught/finished of course. But, it sounds like the FBI was asked by a foreign government (Russia?) to interview the older brother a couple of years ago. They thought he had been radicalized.


    Our FBI couldn't find any ties to terrorists. :icon_eek::icon_redface:


    From talented boxer to dead terrorist in just three years. The short miserable life of Tamerlan Tsarnaev.











    Sick fuuckers to be doing this kind of stunt no matter the colour or creed of the culprit!!!

    It Does Matter Who It Is . . And My First Thoughts Is Yes Its Them And If Im Wrong I Won't Be The Only One Thinking That And Im Getting Them Views Going On There Past Records ! And If It Is That Certain Group When Are We Going To Learn . . Im Sick Off Being Told How WE Need To Accept These Fuckers Into Our Country , Life And To Respect There Views & Beliefs . . . If Not Where Classed As Racist . . . That's A View I Have Whether Its Them Fukcers Or Not . . Am I Racist . . I'd Say Realist !!
    . Wait and see F. Remeber the last time in houston it turned out to be an american born and bread anglo American
    Houston Bombing?
    sorry if i have the wrong city the white guys who bombed the building. 90s.

    No worries. I thought I'd somehow missed one.



    Sick fuuckers to be doing this kind of stunt no matter the colour or creed of the culprit!!!

    It Does Matter Who It Is . . And My First Thoughts Is Yes Its Them And If Im Wrong I Won't Be The Only One Thinking That And Im Getting Them Views Going On There Past Records ! And If It Is That Certain Group When Are We Going To Learn . . Im Sick Off Being Told How WE Need To Accept These Fuckers Into Our Country , Life And To Respect There Views & Beliefs . . . If Not Where Classed As Racist . . . That's A View I Have Whether Its Them Fukcers Or Not . . Am I Racist . . I'd Say Realist !!
    . Wait and see F. Remeber the last time in houston it turned out to be an american born and bread anglo American

    Houston Bombing?

  7. Going by what you've said. If I we're you, I'd look at the tires first. Then balance the wheels. If the problem is still there. It's time for a mechanic to look at it. Depending on how old your van is. A few things could be do for replacement.


    Did the guy say why he thought it was the clutch? Cause that doesn't sound right at all.


    Good luck!

  8. Seriously, The Korean situation has gone on long enough. I have a certain amount of sympathy for the North. It's like they are trapped in the past and can't break free. Their people are, by all accounts. Enduring a long,slow starvation. While just a few miles away. The South is one of the wealthiest nations around. Like in East Germany during the cold war. The main job of the North Korean Army on the DMZ. Is most likely keeping the NKs from fleeing south.


    At the risk of appearing in any way hopeful of the future. Maybe Bird will live long enough to see the North, and South united.



  9. My thoughts are, let Korea and the USA get on with it, its nothing to do with us, so we should keep out of it, and in all probability Korea will have a go, if you look at the last two that the USA were spying on, Saddam and Gaddafi, and you were Park Geun-hye, would you turn your back on them with out a fight, bonfire night may come early this year :D

    Thats right Stealthy. Don't worry, we'll keep you safe. :laugh:

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