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Mickey Finn

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Posts posted by Mickey Finn


    It's like crossing a Maserati (wirehair) with a Dumptruck (lab).


    Nuff said?

    Well,Such a non statement that is ! and best left over your side of the water..But as you maybe or not be aware we do send alot of trialing dogs over to your part`s, so some things cant be that bad.


    Stick in


    Non statement? It's the truest thing you can say on the matter. Wirehairs are the product of some of the most intricate breeding yet done. They are fine gun dogs for the foot hunter, as well as fine in the water. On top of that, they blood track, dispatch vermin, and guard you while you sleep. What exactly could a Labrador retriever contribute to this breeding?


    By the way, I meant no offense to anyone.



  2. I just wanna see a dog go to the head on whatever critter its messin with. I dont care if its a cow or a coon, I want that sumbitch at the front end at least 90% of the time. A good collie should act that way. If they dont then they pure shit in my opinion. You wouldnt know that by playing ball with one.


    BTW you bored bro? LOL!

    Personally, I like it when they pick the rabbit up by the back and bring it to me sqealling. But, different strokes I guess. lol (not to redirect the conversation :whistling: )


    I could see the point of a collie that did some sort of agility work being useful for breeding. Though it most likely wouldn't compare to a dog out working a good part of the day. But like anything else, you really have to look at the dog and see what it offers you.







    "Mussys......thousands of em..."

    Rorke's Drift. Engineers gave a good a account of themselves that day. :thumbs:



    There was only one engineer there 90% of the soldiers there were welsh ..........

    Welsh? And they still won? :D

    Welsh and they still one ??? Wales as a country has never been conquered by anybody my friend ...........


    I was just kidding.



    "Mussys......thousands of em..."


    Rorke's Drift. Engineers gave a good a account of themselves that day. :thumbs:



    There was only one engineer there 90% of the soldiers there were welsh ..........


    Welsh? And they still won? :D


    Feeding a dog bread when they make dry dog food makes absolutely zero sense at all. The dry feed is bad enough let alone feedin them f****n wheat.

    all greyhound men feed there dogs brown bred with there meals do they not have a clue


    Must be to keep the kennel boy busy. Dogs don't need carbs at all. So, what you feed them just ends up on the kennel floor waiting for the shovel. ;)



  6. 034-6_zpsfb69458b.jpg

    My Lurcher caught a couple whitetail deer out on the churches lawn.


    Here the deer is changing course, and throwing the Lurcher off.





    Finding her again in the lense.





    This deer is flat out hauling.






    Here is where she stops blindly running, and starts to think of a way out of this.



    Here's the Lurcher catching up.










    Thanks for looking.

    • Like 10


    a great mind no doubt , and i agree with him re god , but fk me he is aggressive in his belief , the way he belittles anyone who believes or is undecided is a bit full on for me ,there doesnt seem to e any ,live and live ,you agree with him or your a dangerous idiot.


    Ironically, that's how the church is towards non-believers.


    However, unlike the Church, he can offer explanations of why he believes he is right ! All they have is 'because the Bible says so'.

    And let's be honest, most religious types these days are dangerous idiots ! :yes:



    This is kind of long. But it's an interesting debate.



    Here is the study guide.




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