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Posts posted by Bryan

  1. Read it as far as the bit that said his goring was on Youtube..., and naturally had to go and find it. Ouch


    That's only the start of the story, he came back to it without a perception of depth and keeps taking the same risks.



    Back in the ring where he lost his eye




    They dont celebrate the same, previously we were loving it, you wanted to see the celebrations last night, eclisped the rest, so they dont celebrate the same.

    Im saying it again, because youve said it again, you said the fans are trying to win popularity contest, cmon gnash.

    Admit it you cant accept that are fans are the best lol cheer up

    The best at what ? drinking beer and singing ?.....no problem if that's what constitutes " good fans "....fill ya boots and all that.


    Ive been a West Ham fan my entire life i know what gallows humour is all about......but celebrating defeat i find bizarre sorry.


    Im not trying to piss on anyones shoes i simply wanted to know how Irish folk felt towards probably their greatest player of all time and it seems many dont hold him in particularly high esteem because he wanted to win too much.......which kind of answers my question Francie but cheers anyway.

    It's funny how you notice thing and I have said this before, they have really talented, skilful players here at every level.....and those GAA lads are big, fit units mate......but sports all a bit too "polite" here if you get my meaning.

    There's no "nasty".......and IMHO they are weaker for it.......I would say the vast majority of football teams here would be a match for English teams skill and fitness wise but they would absolutely get tackled off the park by almost any English team, they just couldn't deal with it.


    I'm sure I will get a telling for saying that but it's the reality as I see it.

    Funny there should be such a difference for people who are basically the same.


    WILF, have you been to any Hurling and Gaelic football games? Surely there's reasonably good tackling there?



    Gnasher, we take our sport very seriously, but soccer/football is the 3rd most popular team sport and the national team is seen as light entertainment compared to other sports because we've no chance of success.

    Some players will only declare for Ireland because they wouldn't make the English team, Jack Grealish wouldn't even play for Ireland because there was a chance he'd make an English squad. A country is slow to get behind that. Stephen Ireland wouldn't even play for the team.

    The country does identify with

    We can all celebrate Robbie Brady stealing a goal and running crying to his brother.


    The best we can hope for is shock results or being game in a loss. Playing with a bit of heart has to do us rather than dreaming of success.


    The Euros is an excuse to get away from home and recessions and the other halves and have a drink and a laugh, that's the only hope of success. the victory in getting out of the group stages is just that you can drink and party longer and harder, we can't win.


    Katie Taylor anything less than gold will be a national disaster.

    • Like 2
  3. I'd bring in a law on hunting with hounds like they have in France were they hunt Stag, Wild Boar, Fox and Hare.


    I'd bring the Irish law on Hare coursing.


    I'd have the same laws on diggings as they have in France, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Finland, Poland etc. where they can dig as they like.


    I'd be pushing it I suppose if I brought in the Spanish and French laws to allow bull fighting? And I won't even mention that they're free to match Cocks, cause that's mad.



    I wouldn't keep the Scotish or English laws that banned hunting with dogs, I'd get rid of them for sure.







    God bless the welsh,i Dont think the EU can afford Scotland now and they said out is out,same for Ireland don't think they can afford ulster

    ulster is going nowhere mate, our vote was split, a hundred thousand vote difference really, and a border poll here will not be successful

    Ireland already has 1/3 of Ulster and gets on just fine, has a robust economy and will benefit again from a Brexit. I'm not sure the UK can afford to support 6 counties as a separate country without the EU funding that has been pouring into the region since the good Friday agreement.

    The Brexit was a great result for Nationalists, in Ireland.

    At the time of the Good Friday Agreement Ian paisley demanded that the Irish concede sovereignty to 6 counties. It was taken out straight away and nobody batted an eyelid, I would go as far to say the Irish government thought they got away lightly away with that one and signed it off no bother.

    Whenever mcguinness mentions a border poll you never hear any politicians from the Republic agreeing with him.

    The Republic is tight financially and would baulk at the benefits bill the north would bring never mind the crime gangs from eastern Europe/Russia and a few hundred thousand loyalists who would feel betrayed.

    If there is ever a fully United Ireland it won't be this century.

    People didn't bat an eyelid because they realised Paisley going into government with Republicans was a big concession on his part and that the agreement lays out a pathway for a United Island without input from anyone outside Ireland. So it's only a matter of time. "Stepping Stone" We are patient people.




    From the agreement, the section on constitutional agreements that the loyalist agreed to

    ") acknowledge that while a substantial section of the people in Northern Ireland share the legitimate wish of a majority of the people of the island of Ireland for a united Ireland, the present wish of a majority of the people of Northern Ireland, freely exercised and legitimate, is to maintain the Union and, accordingly, that Northern Ireland’s status as part of the United Kingdom reflects and relies upon that wish; and that it would be wrong to make any change in the status of Northern Ireland save with the consent of a majority of its people; (iv) affirm that if, in the future, the people of the island of Ireland exercise their right of self-determination on the basis set out in sections (i) and (ii) above to bring about a united Ireland, it will be a binding obligation on both Governments to introduce and support in their respective Parliaments legislation to give effect to that wish; "

    still not going to happen as not just Protestants here want to stay in the uk, lots of Catholics friends and family want to stay in the uk also, Northern Ireland is a melting pot of scotch Irish with splashes of English n Welsh, NI is doing fine these days as it is, but some republicans arnt happy until they get a united Ireland's , so I say have the border poll but get the republicans to agree that if lost they must leave, same goes for Scotland's ref2 and the snp

    A lot of people down south don't want a united Ireland because it would cost to much. People have just begun to get some economic normality and they don't want to be taxed any more than they are now.

    Last year BBC and Rte did a poll together on both sides of the border which showed that roughly the same percentage didn't want a united Ireland but not under the current conditions.

    The amount of people on benefits in the north would raise a few eyebrows for the government down south and likewise people up the north would see them getting charged for things like water, £50 a time to bring your kids to he doctor, non NHS dentists and paying through the nose for prescriptions. Car tax and insurance would skyrocket to say the least.

    These are just a few things that spring to mind.

    Maybe there will be a united Ireland but not with the current economic situation for both economies.

    The UK props up northern Ireland and while it is improving economically it's still.not viable enough for the Republic to take on.




    I hear you, but the North was getting ton of money from EU, £100's of millions, funding for MEP's their staff and all sorts of community programs, tourism and development. All thats gone now. London's big benefit was as an English speaking financial centre within Europe, that and the money it generated is gone now.

    Water is free again across the new old border, kids under 6 free at the doctor, we will sort out the rest of your demands ASAP :thumbs:




    God bless the welsh,i Dont think the EU can afford Scotland now and they said out is out,same for Ireland don't think they can afford ulster

    ulster is going nowhere mate, our vote was split, a hundred thousand vote difference really, and a border poll here will not be successful

    Ireland already has 1/3 of Ulster and gets on just fine, has a robust economy and will benefit again from a Brexit. I'm not sure the UK can afford to support 6 counties as a separate country without the EU funding that has been pouring into the region since the good Friday agreement.

    The Brexit was a great result for Nationalists, in Ireland.

    At the time of the Good Friday Agreement Ian paisley demanded that the Irish concede sovereignty to 6 counties. It was taken out straight away and nobody batted an eyelid, I would go as far to say the Irish government thought they got away lightly away with that one and signed it off no bother.

    Whenever mcguinness mentions a border poll you never hear any politicians from the Republic agreeing with him.

    The Republic is tight financially and would baulk at the benefits bill the north would bring never mind the crime gangs from eastern Europe/Russia and a few hundred thousand loyalists who would feel betrayed.

    If there is ever a fully United Ireland it won't be this century.



    People didn't bat an eyelid because they realised Paisley going into government with Republicans was a big concession on his part and that the agreement lays out a pathway for a United Island without input from anyone outside Ireland. So it's only a matter of time. "Stepping Stone" We are patient people.




    From the agreement, the section on constitutional agreements that the loyalist agreed to

    ") acknowledge that while a substantial section of the people in Northern Ireland share the legitimate wish of a majority of the people of the island of Ireland for a united Ireland, the present wish of a majority of the people of Northern Ireland, freely exercised and legitimate, is to maintain the Union and, accordingly, that Northern Ireland’s status as part of the United Kingdom reflects and relies upon that wish; and that it would be wrong to make any change in the status of Northern Ireland save with the consent of a majority of its people; (iv) affirm that if, in the future, the people of the island of Ireland exercise their right of self-determination on the basis set out in sections (i) and (ii) above to bring about a united Ireland, it will be a binding obligation on both Governments to introduce and support in their respective Parliaments legislation to give effect to that wish; "


    God bless the welsh,i Dont think the EU can afford Scotland now and they said out is out,same for Ireland don't think they can afford ulster

    ulster is going nowhere mate, our vote was split, a hundred thousand vote difference really, and a border poll here will not be successful



    Ireland already has 1/3 of Ulster and gets on just fine, has a robust economy and will benefit again from a Brexit. I'm not sure the UK can afford to support 6 counties as a separate country without the EU funding that has been pouring into the region since the good Friday agreement.

    The Brexit was a great result for Nationalists, in Ireland.

    • Like 2
  7. Can the boxes take hardship


    only the B+F box is designed for hardship.

    everything else was designed to be kept inside a jacket pocket and be used a very few times in it's lifetime.


    Take good care of them, keep mud and dirt and rain out of them and they'll all last, but it's certainly not what they were made for.

    • Like 1
  8. That Vet gave 2 options, PTS or Spay, there's always another option in these things thats easy to forget.


    Do nothing.


    Wait and see. Most people don't think clearly under pressure, probably no one does. So it's easy to make mistakes when a bit stressed. With a prolapse the main risks are infection and inability to pass urine, antibiotics and a catheter would manage.


    This link is very, very useful, if interested. http://www.merckvetmanual.com/mvm/reproductive_system/reproductive_diseases_of_the_female_small_animal/vaginal_hyperplasia_in_small_animals.html


    You can still breed from a bitch that prolapses.

    • Like 3
  9. RIP


    A great human being, flawed like us all, not unbeaten, but an inspiration to anyone open to inspiration.



    You can say Ali, couldn't beat Louis, Tyson or Johnson.


    But on paper there was NO WAY he could beat Foreman. He believed he could and he did. "These hands can cash any cheque my mouth writes" :D

  10. Keeping ourselves ignorant doesn't help the dogs. There's plenty info. freely available that we don't need to rely on rumour or old habits.


    Not as entertaining as reading THL but it's worth a look :thumbs:, It's worth really looking at little details here and specifics.





    Slight tangent, but if a dog can, give it electrolytes or at least water to drink as soon as you can after a dig. Go easy with the heat and heat lamps for a dog after a tough time.




    "Frequently, more than one type of shock is present, with hypovolemia likely to play a role in each form. Rapid and aggressive fluid resuscitation yields the best outcome, with hemostasis used as required. In veterinary patients, many stages and categories of shock will respond to fluid resuscitation alone"

    • Like 6
  11. Antibiotics don't work on the dog, they don't become less affective the more times a dog has them. They've no real relationship with the dog.


    Antibiotics interact with bacteria only.


    And it's is an interaction, ineffective AB's treatment plays into the hands of the infection.


    The danger is giving the wrong antibiotic, the wrong dose, for the wrong duration.

    • Like 4
  12. My sister worked for many years on various children's wards at hospitals around Ireland looking after seriously sick kids.


    She said Bono wasn't an uncommon sight visiting kids and their families who'd contacted him. Said he never had PR or minders or handlers or anyone with him.


    what a cnut

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