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Posts posted by Bryan

  1. My own opinion is that a terrier needs no encouragement to work and should know what's expected .I personally like to take the young un to a spot and let him do what he's bred for ,no encouragement ,no winding up ,no praise ,no company .If your young un won't go ,its either not ready or its not for me .Obviously one outing won't tell you that but a few would tell me all I need to know .The method of allowing a pup to watch an older dog dug to is alien to me so I can't say how it pans out suffice to say I wouldn't want any pup of mine to have to get wound up before it will meet its quarry which is why I despise hole ending .Ant terrier worthy of the name will self enter in time ,a much more laid back affair .edited to say a marking dog is a big bonus here but put back when trying the newby


    I couldn't agree less,( and I enjoy a lot of what you post here)


    If you've never tried any other way you wouldn't know any better. I can see the benefit of your approach, all the blame is attached to the pup. None on the handler.


    One of the skills I admire most in a good terrier man is in getting a dog started, be that knowing when it's mature enough to start or knowing how to best handle that individual dog. Some need to be wound up, some need winding down a little so they calm down and follow their nose, some need company the first time, some will switch on just tied at the entrance listening to another dog work or bay. Some will need a quiet word or two other a fast word of hsst,hsst. You might be very shocked if you tried it.


    You won't know that of course and you can convince yourself and others that your one approach is the only and best approach.


    Me I get a big kick out of starting a young dog and if it's a little bit harder to get them started I get a bigger buzz when they do go. How hard it is to start a terrier has no bearing at all on how good or bad that dog will be.

    • Like 3
  2. Bits in bold here are interesting ( first one is a fairly wild statement)



    • Hare coursing offenders are also engaging in many other types of crime including anti-social

      behaviour, violence and intimidation, metal theft, plant theft, distraction burglary and ‘doorstep’

      crime such as rogue trader offences.


    • within these regions is needed to drive this.


    • Police forces are reluctant to seize dogs in the same way they are reluctant to seize any

      animal/bird which is expensive to house or is subject to charges (such as raptors) because police cannot claim costs back from the offender in the way that charities such as the RSPCA can – RSPCA were able to claim full kennelling costs of £3776 back from convicted hare courser Gary Eastwood in Norfolk in July 2013.

  3. From their 2013 strategic report (not so much egg protection or endangered species)


    All poaching17

    • All poaching accounts for 44% (2255) of total intelligence at NWCU.

    • Offenders are well aware of weak spots in specific police areas and will communicate these to each other. If forces introduce policies not to seize dogs or vehicles, offenders could see them as easy places to course hare (or deer) as, even if caught, they know their dogs will not be


    • As with many other wildlife crimes, use of social media facilitates poaching and coursing, with

      offenders posting photographs and bragging about their kills.

    • The subversive publication “earth dog running dog” continues to print articles promoting hare

      coursing and poaching.



    coursing clubs here are more of a hindrence than the cops,

    moving hares.breakin cars up.thinking they own hares ect.


    They're the only guys allowed to course them in Ireland.


    who was telling you that.have a look at a map theres 32 counties last time i looked.



    It's the 32 I was talking about.


    Don't thank me, thank Aideen and Co for giving us this information, she's such a good girl.


    She only lives about 20min away from me,and only last year in a local pub .............................................................................................................................Neil actually ended up with 1 some years back.



    Jays Neil,

    You're some man to take her home with you and throw yourself on the grenade. Is there nothing you wouldn't do for hunting? B

  6. I think it's a great thread to compare the craic and fun fellas had before and great characters that were about before and now sadly passed.



    and then compare it with the kind of guys around now, Mixedgrill and a few more have tried very hard on here and any other thread they can to slag off Neil, it's great to see just how far they'll go.


    Some Craic

    • Like 10
  7. Problem isn't shows. It's guys breeding for shows or making excuses for poor work because the dog is pretty. Guys wanting a "smart type" rather than a "working type"




    I don't know why you need working terrier men to judge shows? Why waste their time, it's about the prettiest dog, my mother could pick out the prettiest dog.

    Having good digging men judge shows just confuses the issue, it's nothing to do with work, your dog is pretty that's it.


    Just because Nuttal or Roberts or Parkes picked it out doesn't mean they like it or think it's a working dog, they have to say one is the best looking.

    • Like 3




    If the decent blood wasn't passed on to idiots the terrier job wouldn't be in the state it's in now. I've tried to give out pups to lads I didn't know but all bar a few times I've regretted it, it's a funny old game. My advice to lads wanting better than they've got, do the best with what you have, the lads with decent stuff are always after good lads who'll bring a pup on right and give it a genuine chance.

    totally disagree, letting a pup go to someone in no way affects what you and your mates do, what would make the terrier job in a better state would be sharing the good blood and then the overall quality of terriers being bred would go up, and this would in no way affect you or your breeding plans, also how do you know when someone enquires for a pup there (in your opinion) an idiot. they may just be thinking that about you? and all i can say about you giving pups to lads you dont know is you must have changed in the last 15 yrs or so?[/



    would the quality go up though? Look at greyhounds -everyone has access to the same stud dogs - there's still as much dirt around as there always was if not more. .people are forgetting about luck -you could put a brilliant dog of a bitch of the same calibre and get pups that are an embarrassment to their parents or a neighbours heinz 57 breaks in and covers your bitch and you give them all away , then they turn out better than anything you ever had....neither scenario is likely but I've seen it happen


    Everyone has access to the same top dogs. But some don't want that, they don't strive for the top.


    They won't spend the money. They'll make do with the brother of a top producer and an aunt of a great brood bitch.


    Look at the card for Clonmel coursing it's dominated by 3-4 Studs and a few great bitches. There's a bit of luck involved but Skelligs have 4 runners out of one litter Addios Alonso X Skellig Babe. There's luck, but with top blood the odds are stacked in your favour?


    Add to that the top guys cover every detail, no short cuts, no half measures, no aspect of conditioning overlooked. No excuses for their own input no "if they're good enough they'll do it"


    But the very important point is there isn't open access to the quality brood bitches. Money won't get you access, you got to be known, got to have a record of getting the best out of quality.


    Great breeding dominates at the top and great stockman ship.


    The real believers in luck get to clonmel once in a lifetime if that, with an animal not quite bred right, short cuts in the preparation etc.


    They've zero chance of success. But they are in the majority in the dog world.

    • Like 4
  9. anyone know where I can get a play station or a iPhone for free??? Fellas hand over 100's for them but want pups gifted and think they were robbed if they handed over a few 100 for a pup.


    I don't sell pups, never have or will. But I don't worry about people that do.


    If people have less value for a pup than an iPhone they can fuxk right off.


    Messers and guys starting out need to be able to buy from somewhere, if no one is selling, then someone is going to go robbing to supply pups.

    • Like 5


    I wonder if this breed would have been more widely accepted if it had been called the Irish bull terrier

    I think a lack of success at the trials was worked most against it being used more. The red hand dog was successful and used a lot on the back of that.
    I understand that but the trials were only a game played in one country and the bull terrier has spanned the globe as a working dog and I've got a feeling the Irishmen that were at the trials would have been more willing to work with the breed if it was a Irish creation and not a English one



    2 Countries maybe? Some people say Northern Ireland is a part of the UK you know. Some of those guys were heavily involved in the games as you call it. Unless you see Ireland as a 32 county state, which I'd applaud?


    They hardly thought the Staffordshire Bull terrier was somehow more Irish.

    • Like 3
  11. In your opinion Sounder has the EBT ever improved any of the breeds his blood was added too ?


    Maybe not breeds, but it must have added something to strains for guys to have persisted with those lines and strains that had that blood? Rather than going back to "pure" terrier?

    You'll have to ask some hard questions the next time you're down on the river.


    Myself and A were talking with a guy who offered his pay cheque for a 1/4 EBT cross bitch, way back when. Asked if she was the best bitch he'd seen? No, he said she had some knacks about her , but he knew she'd produce.

    He never bought her, but she produced a lot of bitches (and dogs) that again produced.


    I've never heard any of the guys that put it in say they put it in for gameness. They wanted sounders.

    • Like 1
  12. The bull and terrier cross was a fairly popular cross in my area when I was a young lad.


    They used to call them bull n fox and they were smart looking dogs.


    I never saw any work, but, if i remember right? lads used to say they were either too hard or wouldn't travel.


    Those old boys must be awful stupid to have stuck with their lines since the 60's when it's too hard and they won't travel?


    Of course back in the day I suppose a lot of those old boys didn't even have broadband or WiFi and didn't have the high standards of THL

    • Like 3

    I agree Mole.

    Facebooks closed hunting groups are more safer than the hunting life ther monitored and started by terriemen and closed to the public unlike this site what is open to the world

    You need to be recommended by a member who nows you personally unlike here and you can't sell dogs on them the open groups are just the same as here open to the world anyone can join only thing diffrent is you don't need to donate to sell dogs

    Zilverhaze, don't fool yourself, you're more intelligent than that.

    Police and computer experts can get into a terrorist's or a pedophiles computer in seconds. How long would it take them to get into an ordinary Joe Soaps ?

    So how do nearly all the photos in todays media come from FB if it's a closed shop ? Because those who don't give a shit about hunting are the ones that leave it wide open for everyone to see. That's the whole point of this subject.

    And of course this site is crawling with anti's. It's one of the biggest hunting sites there is and the anti's and the authorities wouldn't be doing their jobs right if they ignored here. I keep an eye on the anti sites, do you think I should tell them ? Maybe they need to know there's a hunter watching them ?

    This site is moderated, FB is not, and it's been a long time since I've seen anything on here that IMO would stand up in court if someone was unlucky to get there in the first place.

    I agree with you Neil but I think your missing what ime saying mate ime talking about closed private groupes on face book were the antis are not allowed to join you can only join by invertation of a friend and can not view the content of the group unless your a member these are private cos ther run by people who don't want to do harm don't get me wrong the powers that be will be able to look on but as long as ther nothing illegal going on its not on ther priority list + there's billions of other world wide groups to police face book on a whole is diffrent open groups are the same as here the antis can view and take what they want from ther just the same as here I was just pointing Internet is the Internet some places are safer than others it's the places what are open to the public were anyone can see and take your content what do the most damage



    Zilverhaze, you got a lot of faith in all the people within those groups to keep their mouths shut. In their girls friends to keep their mouths shut if they ever break up. A lot of faith they won't show posts or pictures or videos from those groups to friends outside those groups.


    I'm on no FB hunting groups and i get sent, posts, videos and pictures all the time. A couple of clicks and you've a background on anyone posting.


    Any one single person on those groups gets in trouble for anything where their phones gets look at. Or they shift attention of themselves by talking and anyone on those secret, closed FB sites better start throwing their phones and laptops out the windows.

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