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James Doyle

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Everything posted by James Doyle

  1. they are in a big bank pa! unreal deep id say but i will have a look about for ya!
  2. Well last sunday night me and my friend Craig heff from here went out lamping. We walked down the road into the first field and seen a rabbit down the far end walked down along and slipped Fly he missed this rabbit so with him on the lead i had another quick look around over in the next field about 250 yards away was the shine of a charlies eyes I proceeded to call him in and it looked like a smallish vixen. I called for about 30 seconds and she came to within 20 yards of us Again i slipped Fly who was quickly on to charlies tail He turned it two or three times in this larg
  3. Learn to spell with your pramation
  4. James Doyle


    tell that wanker to go fcuk himself tell him they are working dogs not fcuking poodles tell the prick to mind his own business or else!!
  5. weather is good but tbh rabbits are scarce round me when i start driving next year then we will have some fun!!! Much rabbits round your area???
  6. Weather seems good! any one heading out for a few hours???
  7. i suppose it would be the same difference as a dog knowing the diferrence between a ferret and a rat except obviously the size
  8. Cheers Rolfe According to that it says it will be gone the 16th.. would that be right??
  9. is any one knowlegable with the moon sequences? when is this c**t going away???
  10. pinch the skin going from her back leg up to her body this should distract her for a while so you can take the rabbit from her
  11. I don't quite get what you mean there mate, Can't you buy them off the internet like everyone else? Do they not post to Ireland? Yes i can buy them off the internet and i have bought them and they do post to ireland. The 4oz purse nets in a shop local to me are 3.50 each. I was agreeing with what you said first of all then comparing prices to the local shop and said they were cheap compered to the shop but still a bit dear if you know what i mean???
  12. Yes i have seen all your videos! the amounts of rabbits you guys get is something else!! Where do you all get your permission?
  13. exactly but for someone irish they are cheap they are 3.50 each in my local shop
  14. What is the most rabbits anyone here has caught in a single outing? Recent or not! Cheers James
  15. i know what you mean sounder. They surely should issue some sort of discount for serious shooters like yourself with a lot of guns. My father wouldnt really be a serious shooter and only has one gun. But it is very dear if you have a good few guns
  16. Maudlintown.. its in wexford town, about 20 miles away from me.. i dont think theres anyone on here from wexford town Na if you want to see some good hunters come to enniscorthy!!!
  17. well first of all he is not a labrador x poodle he is a labradoodle x labradoodle if you get me? and no he did not cost ridiculous amounts of money as the local breeder is a friend of my fathers so we got him for free and if i dont work him he will not be a 'pampered pet'. He will be treated well and fair like all my other dogs he is not a fashion item like some people use there dogs as
  18. if you want to catch a few bunnies a jill would be better to bolt te rabbits but as said before its fairer to keep two
  19. Paddy i have two lamping dogs here both retrieve live to hand also 3 working ferrets with a mk3 deben locator and two collars plus 20 purse nets a lightforce lamp and battery 3 ferret hutches here i will deliver worldwide give me your address atb James
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