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Everything posted by borderterrier

  1. Anyone eating, or tried Crow. Came across this site Crow - Link the other day. And reminded me of my Granny. One of the locals where she lived use to drop a couple of Pheasants off, but always had half a dozen Crows for her as well. She would thank him, then as soon as the yard door was shut she chucked the Crows in the outside bin. So, anyone had'em, and what do they taste like ??
  2. Your computer isn't at risk, its just Bill Gates way of putting the willies up you. Somewhere in the recent past you've had windows updates and Microsoft is having trouble validating your copy of windows. To get updates of MS, you need SP2 and WGA installed. Turning WGA off or removing it most probably won't work as it checks you system for this before offering updates. Check you PM for the way round this.
  3. no idea,its just constantly there next to all me other things like aol,lexmark printer my connectivity in the bottom right hand corner,got it booked in tommorrow to get it cleaned so hopefully that will sort it . It isn't Microsofts little blue star that says "Your system may be at risk" is it. ? Which usually means you're using a dodgy copy of Windows. If you're using XP, always worth trying System restore. To use System Restore, go to Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> System Restore.
  4. No not seen that one in the flesh, so as to speak. There were some fantastic Victorian artists, Landseer being one of them.
  5. borderterrier


    Mine came today, and Stabs is right, the front cover and the top picture on the back are excellent. Is someone pulling stills of a camcorder, or are there just some good photographers out there.
  6. Not sure why you are comparing a TDR with a non-TDR. AA s410 in either classic or carbine, excellent guns. The Daystate X2 is well thought of by may people, never had one of these so only going off second hand information. Both guns mentioned above aren't cheap, so before you splash the cash, might be best if you try them out to see which suits you best.
  7. I've got the bog standard AA's one, and it is pretty quiet. I've been told the Logan one is better. So i too would be interested to hear from anyone who has had them both on their AA.
  8. Sorry boys and girls, from now on can we please refer to Christmas as "The Christian Winter Festival Period". There many be some amongst us, or even just those spying on us who may take offense, and i'm sure we all want everyone on Huntinglife to feel welcome.
  9. borderterrier


    Yet another email hoax, Hoax Email - Link
  10. The gauge on the gun does go up to 250, but always go off the gauge on the pump or the bottle, far more accurate. Agree with the other lads, more pressure doesn't mean more power. It's also worth putting a string of shots through a chronograph. If it a new gun it will be firing at best around 10.8-11 Lb/ft. If it's second hand to be sure it's legal. Whilst a "Chrony" is a bit expensive, a "crombro" isn't. At £40 it's an excellent bit of kit and makes sure you're getting the best from your gun. Christmas is coming. Worth remembering that if you take your gun up to the 12 Lb/ft
  11. "The law makes it an offence to keep some wild animals, alive or dead. But there is an exception where the owner can prove that the animal was lawfully taken from the wild. However, the onus is on you to prove that you fall within this exception and you should keep a clear record of the history of any specimen that you have." I would check with the taxidermist the in's and out's regarding an Otter. And you will need a licence of DEFRA should you ever sell it.
  12. Give jht@hotmail.co.uk a try, or can PM phone number if you wish.
  13. If you follow this link there are a few at the bottom of the page. Some in Word, 1 in Excel. The Excel one is quite easy, just make a list of names, in the correct order and choose either the 4 or 5 gen tab to see the pedigree. Edit sheet to suit. LINK
  14. Remember boys and girls, Charlie say's, when you're out hunting never talk to strangers (or accept sweets off them, or go to see their puppies) because they could be bad and follow you into the bushes and do nasty things to you, or worse still be anti's.
  15. borderterrier


    Hi, Does the ! " £ $ % ^ & * ( ) still work ?? The following might be of some help, not sure what, if any limitations are for the 30 day trial. Keyboard test Although trying an other keyboard seems as good a place to start
  16. It should be every land owners duty to destroy Grey Squirrels, the same as it is with rabbits. Rabbits <------- There are a couple of large ares around here that still hold Reds, but, a few Grey's have been seen recently. IMO, give them before its to late.
  17. I've got a Logan lamp and find it's up to the job, certainly for my air rifle. £50 for lamp and set of filters, from a lad in Durham, via a well know internet auction site.
  18. Spiders Bottom of the page for winter activities, or not as the case may be. Sat and watched a Stoat this morning, it ran around in a about a 10 foot circle, jumping in the air as it went. It did this about 5 times, then on its next time around jumped into some long grass and came out hanging onto the back end of a young rabbit. After a good tussle and much squealing from said rabbit the Stoat managed to kill it. It then spent about 15 minutes dragging the dead rabbit into the bushes. Then came in and read "Chilligate", think I'll go back out.
  19. Heres another 9 minutes of pure joy. Free Bird Rainbow with R J Dio, brill, Long Live Rock n Roll
  20. Here you go Molly. AC/DC - Touch Too Much (not the best quality) Spending far too much time on you tube these days, there's some good stuff on though.
  21. 'Tis a hoax, honest. Got the same email a couple of weeks ago. VIRUS HOAX <---------------
  22. Knowing the one-eyed Jock holding the purse strings, if he's giving you £6 back in one hand, he'll be taking £12 with the other. Details
  23. Anyone else heard about this. No more Game Licence Not like the Government to give something up.
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