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Everything posted by pikey2983

  1. yeah i will let you know how it goes like you said about the ground not been any good for dogs thats what its like because of cows
  2. i made my mind up gonna give it ago will let you no how it goes and put some pics up.
  3. has anyone on here ever tryed ferreting at night if so is it better to use longnets or purse nets
  4. cheers for that mate. we were up there the over weekend we talked to some lads they prob be your mates. we are off on sat for the night cant wait.
  5. hi im going fish to Brayton Pond in Aspatria on the weekend has anyone on here fished there if so whats it like? and whats the best method? cheers p***y
  6. think i might try round where i live theres loads up here.
  7. after one of my kits getting eaten last week i moved most of the kits out the cage and left the 2 smallest ones with the mother to try and get them fatter but when i looked lastnight one was dead it hadnt been eaten or anything just laying there stiff so i just moved them all out now for there saftey just incase it because of her. just hope she goes back to the way she was before the kits she was really nice before them now she just evil and wants to rip your fingers off.
  8. someone must know some good course lakes
  9. me and my mates are wanting to go away fishing for a few days we live in carlisle and would to travel 100 miles. does anyone no of any good course fishing lakes that allowe's night fishing
  10. i havent mate bet the westie was in pain after
  11. i have been offerd a staff x westie would this dog be anygood for bushing and ratting.
  12. ok cheers for that i will split them up when i get home and give them a good scran
  13. here is my collie x grey dont no what % is like. the lad i got it off said it was 3/4 grey 1/4 collie but i dont no. what do you think.
  14. yeah mate plenty of food. do you think i should try givein them more
  15. is it ok to take them all away at the same time or should i take them away 2 at a time? and should i take them away from her or her away from them?
  16. went out to feed my ferrets this morning and seen one of my kits had been half eaten im thinking of starting to take them away from the mother i got 9 left so will take them out 2 at a time.
  17. that picture is well good i would love to see something like that.
  18. hello mate mine kits are 4 weeks old and eyes are open and ears and they are drinking water mine kits just go to the water bottle on there own so your mite
  19. got 4 hobs free to good working homes phone or pm me 07933221226
  20. pikey2983

    Be honest!!

    20% dont no what for like
  21. hello mate im on carlisle have you any pics of the dogs
  22. i have been told that if the moon is out its no good is this true or is it just sh*t
  23. i did mine after 3 weeks mate my kits are 4 weeks old aswell. my jill is still nervous i just let her out for a walk about and did it then.
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