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Everything posted by Julia

  1. Jeg har aldrig været i Randers... Jeg kommer ikke så tit i Jylland.. Jeg er født og opvokset i København. :)

  2. Det er da skægt.. I må have været kærester i lang tid, siden du lærte dig sproget. Har du været på besøg i Danmark så?

  3. Hvorfor gør du det? Dansk mor/far?

  4. Hejsa right back at ya.... ;)

  5. I gotta ask you. Does the jill bite you when you handle the kits? It seems to have been a problem overhere when people use a jill who is partcially wild. Now, the jill I used was only 12,5% polecat and she didn't bite me at all. But I know other breeders who used 25% and 50%, and their jills had a tendency to bite them during the raising of the kits. (Note, the hob i chose for the litter was between 25% or 50%)
  6. Gorgeus jill! Congrats with the kits. I hope they will behave nice when they get older. Just had 3 hybrid kits myself this year, only 20-30% but still. They behaved nicely, just spend lots and lots of time with them.
  7. Hahaha... Did you leave any of the rabbits or did you take them all while you were there? Nice one!
  8. Gorgeous ferrets mate! Especially Eddy, she's a real cutie. Nice pictures, what camera did you get?
  9. para - I have been keeping ferrets for 4 years now. Maybe I seem like a newbie against those of you who have been keeping ferrets for many more years. And no, i'm not a vet. But I have seen my share of ferrets through these years. And in my experience, I have never seen a ferret shed like this. Of course it could be that the ferret is changing coat, but I would seriosly considering taking it to the vet, in a hurry. That's my advise. Others have given their advise....
  10. This is not a ferret "changing coat"....! Ferrets shed totally different, they don't get naked in their necks.
  11. Take her to the vet! Jill jab.. She could still suffer sideeffects of staying in heat too long. The ferret on the pic i posted, is doing well today. We took her to the vet as soon as possible.
  12. Is she in heat?? I have seen a jill being too long in heat losing fur all over the body? Here are some pictures of a jill being in season WAY too long!
  13. Julia


    Wonderful age.. an a cute little fellar! No more spoilt than he deserves i'm sure...
  14. My ferrrets switches... Some times they will eat the hole thing, others... Maybe only those crunchy legs and heads...
  15. Julia


    That's so.... Ferrets!!
  16. My ferts never cared for catnip - they only saw the fun in throwing the bag around... *sigh* Stupid ferrets... The ferrets look great...! There's a cute face attached to that sable.
  17. Julia


    Ohh... Mine has sleept in/sleeps in: Tubes, hammocks, boxes, blankets, beds, tents.... When they were outside in winther, they sleept in a box with blankets inside. Never used hay as bedding, even thow it should isolate good i've heard? So spoiled...
  18. I can only agree with the other posts.... Fantastic brilliant pictures! I diden't blink while watching.. Didn't wanna miss anything. :blush: I looks like the most fun day you've had. Someday, I wish that I could join in on a days ferreting... Just to watch and learn...
  19. ferretess - maybe he just likes watching the tv.... skycat: feng shui....!
  20. Hehe... Yeah.. It really is a ferret. And I can see the difference between ferrets and minks. I also think it would be very hard to see/locate if working a black ferret. Thanks mattydski
  21. *G* And since i'm not a hunter- my ferret dosen't bolt anything. They all get their meat served in a bowl. This is the father of my new ferret: A big hob, weighs about 2,3 kilos.
  22. Depends what you mean by lineage. A ferrets a ferret the way I look at it, there's a big enough ferret population here to ensure healthy genes, so most ferrets don't come with paperwork, come to think of it, I've never heard of a ferret having papers in the UK. Good lineage to most ferreters on here would be in the working ability of the animals, not how many shows that their parents/grandparents, etc, had won. Well... I don't buy ferrets because their parents won lots of shows. That's not important when buying ferrets. Actually it's irrelevant. When I write lineage i mean: Good
  23. Well - I would still love to have a Uk ferret.... Any one got a ferret with a good lineage?
  24. The albino with the pink fur... As soon as i took the pictures i washed her in clear water... I went off emiadietly (spells?!). Ferretess - Yeah. This is the one I was talking about.. She cost me 245 Euro's. That's including: Pet passport, Rabies vaccination, Normal ferret vaccination, Chip id and so on... Cheap actually when considering that I went to get her in another country. And she's a darling.... I'm really in love with her...
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