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Everything posted by RossM

  1. Is a working collie “rounding” classed as chasing?
  2. RossM


    Don’t mind travelling pal
  3. RossM


    Where are you again pal?
  4. A woolly hat…. You need to familiarise yourself with the lingo
  5. RossM


    Hi folks, not the time of year I know with the season in full swing but due to an error on my part I have found myself a member of my team down. So if anyone has or knows of any small jills in and around Edinburgh & the lothians it would greatly appreciated.
  6. Not the outcome I wanted but I was expecting, the keeper did say he will grab them if he sees them but unfortunately my wee albinos fate was sealed by trap
  7. Any one know who repairs Mk3 boxes? Cheers
  8. A boots double there Andy, hope all is well
  9. Hi mate, going forward this is the plan but we were 60 odd miles from home, because this is keepered land the outcome won’t be good for them
  10. I have a locator for when they are below ground but nothing otherwise
  11. Aye mate one is had for nearly 6 years good working ferret so gutted is an understatement
  12. Wee Monday off and away down the A1 to meet a couple of boys with their mutts, bit of a disaster I lost 2 Jill’s as they managed to escape the carrier and had about an hour to evade spent a bit time looking for them even with the thermal but to no avail, gutted, but lesson learned… the hard way. ended the day with 29 rabbits a few digs but most bolted to the long nets and dogs
  13. The two small ones are kits that go away today, the rest are my team
  14. Hard to see but in the first photo we had about 500 yards of long nets out and only accounted for 8 rabbits, we had 8 ferrets to ground at one point albeit half those were inexperienced, big old warren to ferret, much prefer the long nets to pursing them all
  15. Slow and steady wins every time pal
  16. Out with the long nets and dogs this morning, big old set, 8 rabbits accounted for no digging… result, onto another bit and we split up, bolted 4 from a nice wee set and two 2’s from another 2, the other lads accounted for 2 and had to dig them… all in 18 nice big healthy rabbits accounted for some photos
  17. Wee daunder this afternoon with Jess and Tia. Still about 15°c here far too warm for this time of year. Anyway a few photos from the hill
  18. Boots was born 12 years ago today
  19. Dog, 6 ferrets, 100 purse nets, 2 long nets, 3 carry boxes, ferret finder with “TWO” collars, and f**k it why no I’ll throw in a lamp…….. half a packet of skittles and a curly wurly
  20. Unsure if a genuine question but no
  21. From a leg break as a puppy she’s ended up a decent bitch, works all terrain and a very capable and steady as a rock, does everything I’ve asked of her
  22. Unsure to be honest, he works well, this was the plan from last year, I bred my hill to my hob, my pal gets a kit and I get this hob.
  23. Collected this Hob earlier today, introduce new blood to the line next year
  24. Aye, I did ask about but couldn’t get hold of one
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