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False Peds

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False Peds last won the day on August 23 2018

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115 Excellent

About False Peds

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    Born Hunter

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  1. In my opinion it was the border in Sam that made ihim click ,just my opinion ,reason he is well known is he last owner ?put him in the hall of fame ?????,they were some great dogs around at that time up and down the country ,never to be mention
  2. The only breeding that came with Vinny was he was nuttal type
  3. Ye few off us went there and ragley hall for years travel all over UK back then great times ,
  4. Ye I bought Russell small world ,long time ago another name Joe hefferan he didn't get mention with the big names he dug with gouldy for years he indroduce pd and us to Gould and lot s of of good digging lads around leister, notts ,was at his funeral ,was Henry of Steve Ellis's breeding did you send over a dog called Fred few few years later ???
  5. Question that's been floating around for a long time in the terrier game in Ireland bit like gould Smitty ,what is the Toby breeding and who bred him because it only in later years I seen dogs that came off him plus I live along where from where he was worked,now this thread is of great reading in the last few weeks some cracking working dogs on it let keep it going
  6. That lad that got service charge me for pup couldn't blame him he kept rest of litter cost him 500
  7. Foxy bought him in scrapyard pbrookes with pd and me ,he was a red smooth dog ,I think we spoke before you were you there long time ago ???
  8. I believe there a pedegree of Vinny floating around ,the dogs breeding was never know to us ,the man that bought the dog from UK is no longer with us ,the dog was called Vinny because the lad that transported the dog over was called big Vinny ,this info has come from the owner son ,no ped came with dog only a great worker,
  9. Ye that red dog above I bought him as a pup for 300 ,a lad offer 500 for service of Henry or Vinny we tried Henry but he ate the bitch so Vinny was mated ,that Henry dog was a good dog also a red dog savage ,my mate paid 650 euro for dog 15 years ago ,
  10. Tommy son of Vinny chesney ,jo,m,the mole he was a hard dog but wouldn't learn who was boss jacked at 3 year ,think there 1 left of same litter
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