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Everything posted by markieboi

  1. markieboi


    in my opinion manuals are solid hardly ever brake and can do whateva the automatics do but the manuals last longer
  2. markieboi


    http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Retro-Kitchen-Meat-M...1QQcmdZViewItem that style are the best as they are solid
  3. the vets recomended that i do when she found out i work them
  4. have you guys gave these to your ferts if so how many do they have or do i go buy the same guide as kittens? cheers mark
  5. i was thinking more about saveing space as i have a 40cm x 40 cm freezer so a very small one
  6. was just wondering what would be better or what the ferrets would prefere minced rabbits or rabbits leg dadle ect as if it was minced it would take less space in the freezer cheers mark
  7. hand made hemp stop net made by rabbiteer was on ebay was goin for £67 with 3 days to go i want 50 pound for it cheaper than i brought it but need it gone will swap for chest freezer cheers mark
  8. ''can i just ask what your opinions are on shooting seals? not for sport, i used to be a fisherman, and we had to shoot seals that got caught in nets.'' you fecking pratt.
  9. look in yellow pages call around or go to the farmers as no one's goin to give you there perrmission are they
  10. its all good mate got to do the warrens that we saw n ferreted first will get a really good bag off that
  11. got them off springfield off this forum
  12. dont know alot about fishing mate but there is a great catch rate and cornwall is just great anyway make it in to a holiday? take care mark
  13. at least your being honest about the miss's mall as some would just say they got all of the ones they shot no problem lol
  14. work why would you want to do that day off for me wooo
  15. defo mate, look at me post called new hobs got some pics of the little buggers up both in to get vacectomy on the 13th dont think there looking forward to it tho lol
  16. bloody hell you got a good deal there mate
  17. psp good condition with wwe smack down v raw 08 and grand theft auto liberty city storys with wire less hub to conect it to internet and charger offers will px with mk 3 ferret locater collar
  18. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/DEBEN-FERRET-FINDER-...7QQcmdZViewItem email him he is a sound person got a locater n 2 collars off him
  19. mate the mk 1's are genrally more than the mk 3's
  20. he is mate i tell ya that ferret would be a great stud in his younger years
  21. i got info get a mk3 lol ? dont you like the mk 3's mk 1 i dont know anything about them ones bud will keep a ear out tho bud
  22. cheers bud they live out side but every other day bring them in give them a handle ect ect
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