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Everything posted by markieboi

  1. il corrier some to you :sick: wouldnt like to smell the package when opened a few days later though
  2. im a memeber now cheers bud they said im insured now and will get my paper work within 14 days
  3. and there was a few usa sites that say to soak the skins in petrol or as they say gasolin to get the fat thats left on the skins off
  4. preserveing rabbit skins how do i do it is the long and short of it salt them dry them scrape them then wax them or is it alot harder cheers mark
  5. is BASC just for shooting?? and how do i apply thanks mark
  6. Cheers For the info Buddy Take Care Mark
  7. yeh just up the road they said yes just need a donation but didnt know what the law was ect
  8. you snares people out there which out of there 3 names do you call your self or get called most snareman,snaresman, or snarer cheers mark
  9. does anyone know if i can put a poster up in a farmer shop stateing that i can ferret land ?.as a few of the farmers that i have permission off,said that it would be a good way of getting some permission?
  10. guys private sales its still legal to send them via post im sure
  11. just saw a post that they where pretty good so tohught i would point it out
  12. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Trapping-Hammer-Fenn...1QQcmdZViewItem trapers hammer if anyones intrested
  13. no i dont want a camo bag just camo cloths and a bag but its sorted now cheers
  14. got a bag sorted thanks for your help every one chalk warren cheers for the info but will hold as many as poss n bagg the rest cheers everyone
  15. good idea is that i look on ask and its postman pat this n that
  16. cheers bud will look on google as up ere there ent one i know of cheers
  17. where would i get a shoulder bag ditch im not fashion concious just rather not have a bright pink bag :kiss:
  18. gosh hawknot 100 persent sure though
  19. looking for a bag to hold snares while out snareing something along the lines of a game bag but not so expensive just looking for a cheap snare bagg that looks ok
  20. hi guys where do you get your camo gear, and game bag as im looking for a cheap ones for when im out snareing from and whats best as all the stuff i brought got caught on some swigs n ripped,does anyone know where to get a half decent pair of boots as well cheers mark
  21. ahhhh right i see that makes sense better to be safe than sorry eh
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