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Daniel cain

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Status Replies posted by Daniel cain

  1. Empty your inbox Mate, trying to contact you .atvb Sean👍

    1. Daniel cain

      Daniel cain

      Hello GM,

      Chaff is coming to fish the wye on Friday 10th of November,your more than welcome to join us? Will have the motorhome so we can chill out in the evenings after fishing, food,few drams etc...let me know how your fixed,I know Chaffs looking forward to meeting you in person 👍

      Atb Sean

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. hi mate do you know any dogs still around direct out of Indy from trethomas

    1. Daniel cain

      Daniel cain

      07896000932 try this number it's for young Chris,if no joy let me know and I pop down and knock the door for you.atb sean(Bobby dogs)

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  3. hi mate do you know any dogs still around direct out of Indy from trethomas

    1. Daniel cain

      Daniel cain

      a lad frog eyes had stuff out of him but like a muppet he lost them all .there was a big black dog called dave but he was sold at 18 m old I can't remember who too.i send you a  number and you can ring him find out?put some game to bed over the yrs that indie and munched....set the bar for what a good bull x can do.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  4. hi mate do you know any dogs still around direct out of Indy from trethomas

    1. Daniel cain

      Daniel cain

      i can speak to old man edy for you mate?that indie was pts 2 yr back i think,he would of been 17 yr old,they had Indies daughter socks,she be 6/7 yr old now....not sure if she still about as young Chris don't do anything no more with the dogs,big shame?

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  5. Hi mate ?do you still gave that bitch wanting a new home.

    1. Daniel cain

      Daniel cain

      She's gone sorry pal. 

  6. Just seen on facebook Toyota pickup p832pnr tried going into Nick valentines kennels last night they had dog cages in back.

    1. Daniel cain

      Daniel cain

      It's that time of year again... c**ts out stealing dogs

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  7. You leave in the morning, with everything you own in a little black case.........

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