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there seems to be a lot of speculation abotu catching day time and night time hares. IMO they can be as difficult as each other. I personally havent participated in much day time hare coursing.


But for those who say Lamping hares is easy, think again, The amount of hares i had seen lamped (pre-ban of course) i have probably seen about 50% missed.


And i dont want to read comments on "dogs are shite if you have missed that many" because at the end of the day, a hare is a very wise animal.


I have at one point seen a hare get away from 6 dogs. It wasnt intentional to have 6 dogs on it. they were just mooching around the fields and one popped up.


The hare, along with the rabbit, deserves respect. they are both wise, intelligent creatures, weather or not they have a lamp shining onto them

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there seems to be a lot of speculation abotu catching day time and night time hares. IMO they can be as difficult as each other. I personally havent participated in much day time hare coursing.


But for those who say Lamping hares is easy, think again, The amount of hares i had seen lamped (pre-ban of course) i have probably seen about 50% missed.


And i dont want to read comments on "dogs are shite if you have missed that many" because at the end of the day, a hare is a very wise animal.


I have at one point seen a hare get away from 6 dogs. It wasnt intentional to have 6 dogs on it. they were just mooching around the fields and one popped up.


The hare, along with the rabbit, deserves respect. they are both wise, intelligent creatures, weather or not they have a lamp shining onto them


I agree, good point!

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alright straight line,i got a week of this week so im just started the dogs back into fitness a steady 5 1/2 mile walk a day for a few weaks now,i want my younguns to be tip top for this coming season as rogue has brocken another toe,thats one on each foot now,dont know what im gona do with her as i know they are gona play her up like mad this season,thats why she will only be ran on the lamp,im gutted as i was gona give her a real hard season on the big stuff.

as for hares being a test for a dog at night,well i have to disagree,im not mocking people that do it cos i do myself and its great sport,you simply cannot compare a hare ran under a spotlight for 2 mins at the very most to a fenland hare capable of running for 7 mins or more.

anyway it doesnt really matter what we all think,as long as we all enjoy our own sport at the end of the day

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lets not everyone get into a slagging match, each to their own when how and where they hunt so long {imo} its not just for the numbers game. more importently is respect for the quarry you , we hunt. with out the quarry our lives, passion,sport , countryside is nothing. in my opinion and thats all it is my opinion the fit winter daytime hare is a better test than one lamped. there is no way even if you were unsporting giving little law could you take as many daytime hares as you could lamping. andy dont take this as a go at you as it is certainly not. the nightime feats your minshaw dogs and others of the strain have achieved is exellent. these numbers are most probably unachievable by most other strains although there has got to be lurchers about that can take these numbers the same as they will be lurchers and running dogs out there that could take more hares than the famous dogs of match men, ie all the big comps are 90% ran by the same men year in and year out in other words closed shop to the average joe. some people will be quite happy keeping themselves to themselves but in their kennel will lay exellent lamping and daytime animals. but like i say each to their own so long as respect is shown. as for your bitch brock mate forget the faster rabbits let her heal then condition her and keep her for the bigger stuff where she wont be turning so sharp to get on tearms, you also know she will do you proud at this game. :good:


Most sensible reply so far.

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Guest Geordie

Pre-b@n i went out with a fella off here who has a decent dog or two,took my little beddy x type bitch.

Anyway we spots some hares and slips her,the fecker bent my bitch all over the field,twisted and turned for what seemed ages.She stayed with it tho,never gave up until it ran into some long stuff and she lost it.She's not meant for hares but i thought we'd try her out and she done alright as far as 100% commitment goes.


So we heads off for another place and spots some more hares,slips the little bitch again and off she races towards them.

She is just passing a bit of long stuff when this 3/4 grown shoots out in front of her,so close that they just about bump into each other and she has to hit the brakes to spin round to give chase. Again this leads to a chase around the field and the hare is making my bitch look a abit silly now,twisting and bending her all over the place. She eventually gets on terms with it and grabs her first hare,although its not a fully grown hare :clapper:


She has never been slipped on a hare since then,partly cos she aint had the opportunity,and partly cos i think its asking a bit much of her. Anyway its banned now so i dont suppose she will ever be slipped on another one again :whistle:

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Guest bobbys back

well i wish i had some hares around here for my dogs to run

ive only seen the 1 through the scope but i didnt shoot cus

i think hares should be run and not shot

any idiot can shoot 1 but it takes a good dog to catch 1


the law is a farce

how is it ok to kill 1 animal with a dog and not another

if i see 1 my dog will run it but thats a BIG IF

the old boys say there ust to be lots around here

and they ust to corse them only 3 fields from where i live

but those days have gone and so have the hares


i think theres no better challange for a dog

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[a young lad iknow had a cracking bitch agambling man went out with him to see it run after hearing how good the bitch was it killed 5/5 on big fields .he offerd £10,000 for the bitch &the lad turned him down

the sad thing is 2weeks later the bitch got run over

could i just say if your happy with your dogs does it matter what anyone else thinks

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With all you top boys catching soo many hares, night after night, its a wonder they arnt extinct by now. Just where do you find so many hares all the time. I see 5 hares on the farm where i work, and think its a lot. 27 in 1 night , were they having aconference or summat?!!!!!!

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Guest cueball
Chester isn't regularly run on daytime hares but he has taken numerous during the day and he has taken them on ground where the very best of daytime dogs have been tested,Altcar and on the Fens,so when he has been given the oppurtunity he hasn't disgraced himself totally,like i have said he was bred purposely for the lamp and for a dog which can kill a daytime hare on ground such as Altcar/Fens and still be capable of running 30+ hares in the sphere he was bred for imo makes him a cracking dog..Cheers Andy. :good:
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Guest cueball

Chester isn't regularly run on daytime hares but he has taken numerous during the day and he has taken them on ground where the very best of daytime dogs have been tested,Altcar and on the Fens,so when he has been given the oppurtunity he hasn't disgraced himself totally,like i have said he was bred purposely for the lamp and for a dog which can kill a daytime hare on ground such as Altcar/Fens and still be capable of running 30+ hares in the sphere he was bred for imo makes him a cracking dog..Cheers Andy. :good:

dont often get into a argument about dogs on here but lamping hares is not someting to talk about or brag killed 48 last winter with 3 note3 pups 14month old all singel handeld in one night not a minshaw in the line but all 3 except 1 made made the grade in the day time killing 3 out of 5 day time

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Well as i say my dogs are lamping dogs mate,if your super fen dogs are the bees knees bring them along on my terms and lets see if there up to my standards somehow i very much doubt it.It's back to the old horses for courses again,thats why we have so many varities of lurchers,it's like comparing a Fen dog against a Bull x for killing foxes and drawing them funny fellas from holes,it's silly assuming each and every lurcher has to be tested on a daytime hare on the fens to say how good it is.


Why should we bring our fen dogs and run them on your terms Andy ??? These saluki bred fen dogs are bred soley to run daytime hares just as your minshaw dogs are bred for lamp. Personally if one of my dogs ran like a wally on the lamp i couldn't give a toss as they are daytime running dogs, just as you say your dogs haven't been used as daytime dogs and i suppose a poor performance in the day wouldn't bother you if they lamped well !!

You'll never hear me knocking anybody for lamping hares, it's personally not my cup of tea (i like the big long courses) but couldn't give two fucks if anyone else runs them at night.


All the best Tommy ;);)

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Well as i say my dogs are lamping dogs mate,if your super fen dogs are the bees knees bring them along on my terms and lets see if there up to my standards somehow i very much doubt it.It's back to the old horses for courses again,thats why we have so many varities of lurchers,it's like comparing a Fen dog against a Bull x for killing foxes and drawing them funny fellas from holes,it's silly assuming each and every lurcher has to be tested on a daytime hare on the fens to say how good it is.


At last -we have commen ground .This is probably the answer to use against any "my dogs better than yours "argument .Know what you mean about having to travel as well :ph34r:

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