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fair play to england they beat a poor scottish side,but gave too many points away in penalties.


but one things for sure theres some real oppinionated views coming over from all the boys on here ,feck sake it's only rugby :clapper:


lets not be bringing up the rah into it, thats fecking senseless rebel rousing ,bound to bring arguing ,and after some recent shootings i think it's

in bad taste.


as for zap he's one of the best lads i know who ,unfortunately has the misfortune of living the wrong side of adrians wall

he also has the habit of winding folk up when it comes to anything english :D


so lads get over it and well done eire :diablo:

Edited by roybo
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............especially when you think back to the farce that was England v France, yes England put in a brilliant performance, but thinking back, did France actually turn up?


Same old story with France Al mate, you never know which French team will turn up, they're either world beaters, or shite.


A good French team are a match for any team on their day, that includes the Southern hemisphere teams. They could beat the All blacks one week, them go down to Canada next match, with exactly the same line up! :laugh:

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but still cant be doing with the english there a smugg bunch plain and simple


We are not smugg we are just fab :clapper::clapper:

:clapper: ok i give in :D and mad al your right when we won the curling :wacko: we never made a song and dance about it :D



"curling" like in hair like? :laugh: only games guys eh :laugh::drink:

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fair play to england they beat a poor scottish side,but gave too many points away in penalties.


but one things for sure theres some real oppinionated views coming over from all the boys on here ,feck sake it's only rugby :clapper:


lets not be bringing up the rah into it, thats fecking senseless rebel rousing ,bound to bring arguing ,and after some recent shootings i think it's

in bad taste.


as for zap he's one of the best lads i know who ,unfortunately has the misfortune of living the wrong side of adrians wall :D


so lads get over it and well done eire :diablo:

lol i once peeked over to see what was at the other side of the wall roy mate but looked scary so i scurried back into my croft ,the elders talk of horrific stories about the other side but as long as we have william wallace to consume the engish with fire bolts from his arse we be ok lol
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Right you lot come on, let's see what ya have to say on today's games :laugh: , I'll kick off with some Welsh (only my opinion) thoughts, not predictions :drink:


Now Wales at the Millenium Stadium with everything to play for will take some beating :yes: , but it is Ireland we're talking about here with even more at stake :yes: One thing for sure is that both teams will have to have their finger on the pulse today if last weekends games were anything to go by, were both would have stood about as much chance as a one legged fella in an arse kickin contest :big_boss:


Yes I support Wales for a win, but I honestly would like to see Ireland win :icon_eek: , they have not won a Grand Slam in this way for SIXTY ONE years, so I say good luck to the Irish :thumbs: Yes, Wales are odds on favourites to win today, but what do they have to prove? Possibly the best National side from the Northern Hemisphere? If they beat Ireland they win the Triple Crown, but win the Grand Slam they need to win by at least thirteen points :whistling: . Can they do it? :laugh:


France/Italy? Couldn't care which of the arrogant feckers win that one :laugh: England V Scotland ? :hmm: England had a brilliant game last weekend :notworthy: but I'd really like Scotland to stuff them :boogie::drink:


i was in the same mind as you mate, when it came to that last kick (i'm a wales supporter being more welsh than english) i breathed a small sigh of relief when s jones missed it. as wales couldnt win the grand slam atall, and to win the triple crown had to win by 13 points, if they simply beat ireland by say a point, all they would have done was rob them of the grand slam, ireland would have got the triple crown, but would have missed out on the grand slam. which would have been a shame after 61 years and four chances, stolen from them over the years so congratulations ireland.




wales would of won the triple crown if they had won mate even by 1 point,they needed to win by 13 points for the championship.
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england :rofl: who? :tongue2:

HAVE YOU EVER WON IT :whistling: HAVE YOU FOOOOK :tongue2:

yip just like a thought a nation of has beens and no we aint won the 66 football world cup but hey we are all blest with the fact we aint english thank f**k for that :notworthy::notworthy:

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