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bull x bitch

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yes pal she did do a bit of graft before / during and after xmas :) got pics of her working but wont be posting them on here or any website, what were you expecting half her face missing or changed colour!!!!! ?? lol cheers keith
well when i seen her work the time she couldent tell the diffrence between a dog and one of them others and bit my dogs leg then couldent find the other thing she lost a bit of her lower jaw agine its the way she works aney way iwas me that found her and you would never of had her if it wasent for me. but out of all these brillent dogs you know of how come you couldent get her mated lol lol ??????????????? some doors cant be opened :whistling::whistling:

ive seen this bitch and my out look on it is this,when youve got a really good bitch like this,its always best to wait and line it with a really good dog, theres plenty of good dogs knocking about but the really good dogs are few and far between, and besides she's still young so theres plenty of time to line her, and as for doors opening, i know of 5 doors that hold some very good dogs that know there job well, but at this moment in time are at the wrong end of the country to this bitch, cheers HF,

There is no wrong end of the country

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bull i never wanted to argue would prefer over the phone or face to face but how could i stand back and let someone slag me off, yes billy she came from one of your pals and moo if i id av had the money for fuel i would have traveled 10 hours to my pal up north but couldnt afford it at time, there is always next time.cheers keith

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bull i never wanted to argue would prefer over the phone or face to face but how could i stand back and let someone slag me off, yes billy she came from one of your pals and moo if i id av had the money for fuel i would have traveled 10 hours to my pal up north but couldnt afford it at time, there is always next time.cheers keith

What she work like, i never got to see her work when she was at stoke. Herd she was very game

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I have also met bullyson a few times, he does seem honest at first,i sold him a genuine dog for not much money because i thought it was going to a good working home,and said if he dont get on with it he comes back.I phoned him a few times to see how he was getting on and he had turned into a super dog catching allsorts.Then i find out you sold the dog two weeks after me selling him to you. dont know what to belive with him.And dont know why you wanted to use my golly dog as stud when you are so pally with all the owners of these top dogs [ie.golly and any other dog that is talked about on here] why didnt you go to them.Its a shame if we did mate the they would have been some strong pups.just dont know what to believe with you. sorry to rewin your thred BULLYS**T.

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too be fair.ive only met bullyson once and to be honest 1st impressions he comes across as an honest kinda guy. he says what he thinks and his dogs are as healthy looking as thy come. ;)


Healthy!!! i bought a whippet off bullyson K supposed to be pure but turned out to be quarter bull, nervous as hell,full of mange and shitting worms like speghetti! when i text to say that i had paid £200 at the vets on advocate and to have slides annalysed he said sorry mate i didn't know, after i found out that another pup from that litter was sold with a bare arse through mange a week after :blink: a beddy dog called murphy was sold on 3year old and not seen a thing and then he bought a son of golly called rocco off me, i sold him coz he knocked over my pregnant misses when he was 8months old so i sold him to K for £150 after having major crap off the misses. Then about 3weeks after i found out most of the stuff about K and that the whippet i'd bought off him had mange,after finding out this i offered to buy rocco back off him coz i didn't want him ruined so he said i could buy him for £300! CHEEK! i couldn't afford it and i found out later that rocco died from lung worm 6months after! FFS:blink: he sold two terriers ,one molly a black patt wheeler bitch that on the day after selling it was in the vets with parvo and mange costing £500 and the other a lakeland dog called buster who was full of mange too! i then see that he sold a turk bred bullgrey called punch and the super minshaw dog called butler which neither made the grade by all accounts, all this happened within 9 months of meeting him! :o and then i see he's got a minshaw pup of someone on this site!


all the above is the truth and can be verified by some members on here, i've kept my silence till now and ignored calls&texts of K but looking after dogs like that isn't on! its cost me money and almost cost me my dogs coz of arguments at home caused by the above! one maybe two things but not all the above! I am not putting this on to slag anyone off just make people aware and they can only make their own minds up, if you work dogs look after them its the least that they deserve! :( ................ if not just have a gun!!

Edited by griffo
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too be fair.ive only met bullyson once and to be honest 1st impressions he comes across as an honest kinda guy. he says what he thinks and his dogs are as healthy looking as thy come. ;)


Healthy!!! i bought a whippet off bullyson K supposed to be pure but turned out to be quarter bull, nervous as hell,full of mange and shitting worms like speghetti! when i text to say that i had paid £200 at the vets on advocate and to have slides annalysed he said sorry mate i didn't know, after i found out that another pup from that litter was sold with a bare arse through mange a week after :blink: a beddy dog called murphy was sold on 3year old and not seen a thing and then he bought a son of golly called rocco off me, i sold him coz he knocked over my pregnant misses when he was 8months old so i sold him to K for £150 after having major crap off the misses. Then about 3weeks after i found out most of the stuff about K and that the whippet i'd bought off him had mange,after finding out this i offered to buy rocco back off him coz i didn't want him ruined so he said i could buy him for £300! CHEEK! i couldn't afford it and i found out later that rocco died from lung worm 6months after! FFS:blink: he sold two terriers ,one molly a black patt wheeler bitch that on the day after selling it was in the vets with parvo and mange costing £500 and the other a lakeland dog called buster who was full of mange too! i then see that he sold a turk bred bullgrey called punch and the super minshaw dog called butler which neither made the grade by all accounts, all this happened within 9 months of meeting him! :o and then i see he's got a minshaw pup of someone on this site!


all the above is the truth and can be verified by some members on here, i've kept my silence till now and ignored calls&texts of K but looking after dogs like that isn't on! its cost me money and almost cost me my dogs coz of arguments at home caused by the above! one maybe two things but not all the above! I am not putting this on to slag anyone off just make people aware and they can only make their own minds up, if you work dogs look after them its the least that they deserve! :( ................ if not just have a gun! Is that the brindle punch dog that looked more like a whippet? lol

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