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Longnets around the world


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im interested to hear of anyones experiences of netting in different countries. i have no idea if nets are used in the rest of europe although i have seen them used to catch small antelope in tanzania.


i would assume they are used all over the place to catch all sorts of quarry but i have just never heard of it, i look forward to being enlightened!

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it is intresting to hear where else in the world ferreting is carried out, but i must say i think here in the uk it is practised more than any where. i think in the other countrys , it very uncommon.


im shure its practiced in most of europe , but some countrys more than others, spain and france comes first to my knolage , and a few year ago we had a member from norway who ferreted, australia and new zealand have a good number of ferreters.


im shure i herd recently that some parts of china were having rabbit problems cos of escapees from rabbit meat farms. weather ferreting is carried out i dont know.


also the island of south africa , that nelson mandela was imprisoned on. also has a servere rabbit problem

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It is illegal to use a long nets and ferrets for catching rabbits in some countries. Canada, USA are a couple.


Apparently Portugal also.


Netting, usually with dogs to drive in the game, is quite common throughout Africa although not usually for rabbits. The quarry there is mainly small antelope or sometimes wild pigs.


its strange that its not more common globally as i would have thought it would have been wide spread in the past as its a fairly low tech, relatively low cost method :hmm:

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