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Lamp 100 Rabbits

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Not sure if this has been on before how many know lurchers that have done it. Genuine.


Many thanks for your replies and views, good to see it created an interest, more pleasing to see that the replies were sensible and no slagging off, ha there might be after Iv'e finished!!!!!!! Well back in the middle nineties my mates 23inch curdog (collie) greyhound/Whippet achieved the 100 twice, and regular took 40-50 in a night, she ran 6-7 miles everyday and lamped 3-4 nights a week, the 100 was done in Scotland just over the border, Lockerbie area, there was plenty of rabbits on the estates we hunted, three of us used to take 1000 plus a year from there. Good old days, I will add that I never took that many, my dog wasn't capable of 100, I'm a plodder 20-30 did me.

If my memory serves me well, I think the lurcher in in question was on the cover of a Lurchermania video, little white speckled bitch. Cheers WR.

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ive heard of people off here doing it regular,but in real life ,my immediate friends and friends of friends ive only heard of late 30s it might be we have crap dogs but its no mean feet,

Well if we put it in another perspective take a look at the top dogs on this site ,by this i mean the dogs in the lamping comp and tell me whats there average in a single night.

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Guest anonymous
ive heard of people off here doing it regular,but in real life ,my immediate friends and friends of friends ive only heard of late 30s it might be we have crap dogs but its no mean feet,

Well if we put it in another perspective take a look at the top dogs on this site ,by this i mean the dogs in the lamping comp and tell me whats there average in a single night.



Over to you Chartopski.... :snack: crunch crunch crunch

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Guest anonymous
Could only happen in Bonny Scotland right enough...........


Right on mate, have worked the estates for over 20 years, get a days ferreting and a few on the lamp, not the volume of rabbits now, but had many great day and night.


Rabbits are in decline big style now mate. Same with hares.... I reckon it goes around in cycles though but they'll never rise to the levels they were. Too much improved farming methods.

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I strongly believe in the saying "if it aint there; you can't catch it " !!!! I go on one mates permission and take 4 or 5; go to another mates and get double figures; go to another mates and 20's and 30's are fairly easily managed; I haven't been on land where there would be enough around to take 100 since the early seventies; but if the numbers are there, there are dogs that would do it ! I know two guys on here that have 60, 70, 80's with a couple of dogs, regular, just need to get an invite out with them !! LOL !!


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