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What is it like living in England?

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Fantastic countryside all over the place, very happy to live here. I think it all depends on how you want to live your life if you can keep it pretty basic it can be very fruitfull,


As Gordon Brown says we should be more prudent...



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why the hell do you want to live in a place where the tosspots who run it (labour) think its ok to BAN hunting :wankerzo4: stay were you are mate or il trade places with you :D

cant think of any pros,shitloads of cons though :angry: proud to be english,not me mate,if i had the chance id feck off tomorrow

Edited by craigyboy
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Honestly .... what IS it with you lot???? Everybody in this country thinks the grass is greener somewhere else. It's NOT, trust me.


I'm Canadian Frosty. Been here five years now. There's good and bad no matter where you live.


England has beautiful countryside. And Scotland is gorgeous, lovely people lovely countryside. The UK is a good place to set off for travelling if you fancy seeing Europe. People here are more relaxed (though you might not know it for some of the replies so far). I find life here much easier than I did back home. It's not so cold either. People here have a great sense of humour - imagine saying it's cold when the temp is 11 degrees? :clapper: It snows one cm and folks panic, schools shut and nobody goes to work.


The tax system is wacked tho. Some things are really expensive, some not. Politics here are amusing, to be polite.


Big downer for me: rampant racism and intolerance to people from other places - especially if they are a different colour or speak a different language, never mind if they're nice folks or hard working. Not saying everyone is like that but a lot are. I tend to get very fed up with it and end up telling quite a few people what I think of their assbackwards ideas.


I say take some time out, travel over, see a few places. If you fancy it, give it a go.


Don't listen to the naysayers - some people are bitter till they find out life is what you make it, not where you live it.

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lurchergrrl,your'e telling me you swapped canada for lancashire :wacko: and youve been over here for five years,without being recaptured :clapper:




Yep, I swapped living in a crowded, polluted city populated by over 4 million people for the quiet bliss of Burnley :blink: I like it here - not really in Burnley, but England in general, tho I'd rather be in Scotland. There's things I miss about home, don't get me wrong, but over all I'm happy here.


Besides, it's hard to find a decent lurcher in Canada.

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lurchergrrl,your'e telling me you swapped canada for lancashire :wacko: and youve been over here for five years,without being recaptured :clapper:




Yep, I swapped living in a crowded, polluted city populated by over 4 million people for the quiet bliss of Burnley :blink: I like it here - not really in Burnley, but England in general, tho I'd rather be in Scotland. There's things I miss about home, don't get me wrong, but over all I'm happy here.


Besides, it's hard to find a decent lurcher in Canada.

fair do's lurchergrrl,just having a laugh with you, although ive gotta agree with you,id rather be in scotland to :D

Edited by craigyboy
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well frosty, youve heared about england and scotland, now i will tell you about wales, where the choirs sing coal songs on the hillsides, the rain dances on our lush grass and the foxes run from our fine dogs...long live the welsh and all who follow them.............politics.............forget it...enjoy what you got... :angel:

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well frosty, youve heared about england and scotland, now i will tell you about wales, where the choirs sing coal songs on the hillsides, the rain dances on our lush grass and the foxes run from our fine dogs...long live the welsh and all who follow them.............politics.............forget it...enjoy what you got... :angel:





You forgot to mention that we have the best Rugby Union team in the northern hemisphere at the moment..... :laugh:

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now. There's good and bad no matter where you live.


England has beautiful countryside. And Scotland is gorgeous, lovely people lovely countryside. The UK is a good place to set off for travelling if you fancy seeing Europe.

i agree with the last bit....its a good place to get out of to get to somewhere a lot better :clapper:

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