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stolen within last hour

Guest lurchers lamping

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I've got 2 hats on about this as 1) I run a Lurcher rescue so have dogs here who are waiting to be rehomed and I'm friggin' paranoid about them going awol - hence all our dogs are microchipped, have collars and ID tags on (in case they get dumped) and are neutered asap (to stop them being stolen for breeding). I've recently had travellers round wanting to know if I wanted to sell my caravan, and they had a good nosy whilst they were talking to me :blink: This has resulted in a flurry of purchases from B&Q - decent padlocks for each kennel run, an alarm for the door, motion detector light and friggin' great padlocked chain for the gate. However, I know if they really want to get in and get the dogs, they will :(


2) Lurcher Search hat on - make life as difficult as possible for thieves - get your dogs tattooed / microchipped so you can at least get them back if they're nicked. Neuter them if you're not going to breed - it stops them being nicked for breeding and I really don't believe the old tale about neutered dogs "loosing their fire" as regards hunting - you wanna see some of ours :angel: Get decent locks on you gates, get security lights, shed alarms on the doors don't cost much but will scare some folks off if they set 'em off. Keep a low profile with your dogs, don't be out bragging about them and if someone offers to buy them, invent some illness which would make them no good at running - heart problems, epilepsy, old leg injury etc, etc.


At the end of the day, if someone's determined enough, they'll get your dog - I've even had people reporting the front of their conservatory's been taken off to get to the dogs :blink: BUT you can make things as difficult as possible to them and they might just give up and go and pick on an easier target instead :whistling:

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got up one sunday mornin to go for a hunt only to find my two terriers and lurcher gone ; the first thing to come into my head was those p***y c**ts across the road ;straight into my van and into the site searching around every trailer to no avail ; one bloke came over to me and said dont look over to that trailer but their the c**ts robbin every dog in the city ; found out later that they were not gettin on with each other due to the atttention from the cops over the other lads stealin dogs .anyway got a tip off where on the site they were straight in again and thankfully got all three ; learned my lession that day ; always keep your dogs locked up

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i would be devestated if anyone took any of my dogs, everyone get your dogs microchipped its only round about £15 then get them a collar with a label simply saying "micro-chipped"


hope the dog is found, eve though im no where near i will still keep an eye out as you never know, these gypos go all over the place

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