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Hypothetical question to you BRB or anyone else who may have the answer. Say for instance, before the BSL was introduced , a line of APBT x greyhound had reached its 9th generation. Under the circumstance of you saying it reaches a "new breed" status, would it be legal to own such a dog from this line today? Also for instance say some naughty people had been breeding the dogs after the BSL, but has since reached 9th generation and someone happened to recieve a pup from these naughty chaps, would the pup be a lawful dog to own?



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According to our regional news program tonight regarding an A.P.B.T in the Isle of Man which is currently awaiting the death penalty but has had a slight repreive in the hope that it can be given a home in the Rep of Ireland where they said it isn't illegal to keep A.P.B.T's so if thats the case perhaps some of the Irish lads could post some pics? I'm not sure if you can or can't have an A.P.B.T in the Republic? Any info from those that side of the water? :victory:

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I may be wrong (it has been known lol) but I was under the impression that APBT could still be owned under licence. Provided they were netured, muzzled, micro chipped and on a lead at all times?


The DDA 1991? has it been revised since then?


I thought the problem was the Pitbulls being kept ilegally? (not licenced)


Anyone know the official statement and actual law for the DDA?

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Pit bulls were banned but the idiots supposed to be enforcing the laws cant identify what a pit bull is- they keep putting staffie's & staffy x on the 'pit bull type' list & pts.

Site's like Deed Not Breed & The Refuge have been helping owners to keep there dogs. Been two in last 10 days that have been in kennels a YEAR been released after been classed as not pit bull/pit bull type via the courts, finally released back to owners to go home. Must be microchipped & tattooed thou before been allowed to go home.

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I may be wrong (it has been known lol) but I was under the impression that APBT could still be owned under licence. Provided they were netured, muzzled, micro chipped and on a lead at all times?


The DDA 1991? has it been revised since then?


I thought the problem was the Pitbulls being kept ilegally? (not licenced)


Anyone know the official statement and actual law for the DDA?




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I was under the impression that apbt are a illegal breed but there crossbreeds are not?

i think your right mate,i had rspca hat my house someone reported for haveing a pit bull :whistling: anyway he looked a the dog and reckoned it had bull in him,the rspca told me just to have him registred :thumbs:


The RSPCA told you to do something?


Not being funny mate, but they got no right or Authority to tell you to do anything, nor as far as I'm aware do you have to let them in to your house, or in fact even acknowledge them, they are a Charity, not a Law Enforcement Agency, they may well return with a Policeman and a warrant but even then it's only the Policeman who has a right of entry.



If only 5 people read this then at least that's another 5 that won't be fooled by the RSPCA and their phoney ranks and uniforms.







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