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Fatty meat like lamb is good aswell as what others have suggested, try some stuff called EQUIVITE, i used the body builder stuff for 2 weeks adding a scoop or 2 to the dogs food for that period and it worked wonders. It's for horses so most equine shops should stock it.

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Guest smashygadge
Brown bread and cabbage!

Works a treat



cabbage cooked or raw?cheers


well i boil it in a small amount of water. add the bread after boiling. dont drain the water the bread will soak it up. :thumbs: let me know how you get on.........



i will give that ago ive always used brown bread but anything thats going to give abit extra now and agains a bonus cheers :victory:

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I wouldnt crash him onto it. Would say do it over the coming weeks.


Good combo of carbs and fat to add weight, but watch for the amount of sugar in breads etc.


Eggs are good as they are loaded with fat and good protein.


Otherwise if you know the Glasgow area get him over to the Parkhead Forge Shopping Mall, there are some enormous feckers in there. Im sure he would enjoy a Salad Supper with curry sauce from Greggs :sick:

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sorry lads......cant agree with you totally there.....


raw meet is excelent...sure...and high protein is great for builing muscle. However if its just general weight you want to put on...you need to up the carb intake.....


Carbohydrates are for gaining wieght...ie starchy food like paster......bread......



same priciple as body building - carb-up for mass and bulk......and cut carbs and increase protien if on a cutting cycle


Dogs are totally different to humans Paul, they don't process carbs in the same way and carbs are pretty much needless In a dogs diet. As you probably know they get there energy from fats - hence why they should be getting more fat during the season when the work load is high or the weight will drop off them. A lot of this has been covered on here and other boards, websites so I'm not going to re-type everything but the info is out there If you're interested in it.

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I've never heard that, mine are all fed raw, although the pup still gets some complete twice a week. Will look into that. Cheers.


I can't remember were I saw It now but If Socks sees this post I'm sure he will be able to tell you more info.

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