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maty j

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About maty j

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter
  • Birthday 01/01/1990

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    Lurchers, ferrets and air rifles mainly with a bit of fishing thrown in when the sun comes out.

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  1. Thanks for them ideas Casso and Comanche. I’ll be trying both of those ideas. I think you may be onto something re the fearful dog. If we see any other dogs out he’s watching and acts aggressive. weirdly, when I would walk him at the rescue he was fine with other dogs yet since I’ve had him he acts differently so maybe he feels he has to be the protector of someone he loves so doesn’t loose them again? He was returned another time for being aggressive to other dogs apparently. However He isn’t aggressive to other dogs. I’ve got a mate who’s got a cockapoo. We went
  2. Oh he is a c**t he’s just like me tbf which winds me up even more he acts like he’s starved. Drooling over my food yet there’s half a bowl of dry in his he’s put on weight since I’ve had him. He was much skinnier. I had him in a crate before when I was out the house because he got returned for knocking a tv off the wall all and bouncing on it plus other destructive behaviour which to me was just his separation anxiety. Not knowing if this owner woukd desert him or even return. I totally get where he was coming from so I’ve worked ducking hard to build that bond with him.
  3. I don’t know his heritage but just going off looks alone I’d say there is abit of saluki in there.
  4. Hola! Long time user coming back for abit of advice. I was volunteering at a rescue after loosing my old lurcher Tess. Didn’t plan to get another dog but a problem lurcher came in. He’d had multiple owners who had all returned him and needed a ‘special kind of owner’, the rescues words not mine long story short, I spent some time with him and realised he was still mailable. He’s been a lot of work but his recall is spot on. He listens well. He’s behaved in the house although did cause carnage at the beginning which I assume was separation anxiety after being ditched so many
  5. I have a stealth. Bought It totally standard and now Is far from It! Very easy to work on and I got mine within 2 fps variation on a string when I had It regulated. Out the box they can be rough and ready but It depends what you want. The powers controlable to a certain extent by the standard adjustable top hat but won't change It that much - Think of It more of an asjustment to suit pellet types.
  6. Yup and It's going up. Had my renewal through the other day for a 1.2 and they want 750 quid. It was only 800 last year! Have you shopped around? I found a quote £150 cheaper than my renewal.
  7. Good shootng. I think squirels have to be my favourite airgun quarry. How do you find the Falcon mate? I've always liked the look of the lighthunters and wouldn't mind an FN8 or even a FN12 at a push. I've been looking at the little brocock contour closely and am torn on what to keep a look out for next.
  8. I remeber the ad for the program being played on radio 1 ages ago. That riled me right up so I don't even want to try watching him!
  9. True Dabi And that's what I was trying to get across. Saying It won't power It Obviously a 22a batt will last longer than a 7a but If you can run your lamp for a night on the smaller batts, 7, 10, whatever then I'd rather do that. Means I can run faster and carry more game Each to there own though.
  10. Wrong - It depends on the bulb that you use, not the lamp. A 100W bulb will pull 8.33 Amps an hour so of course It will work just not as long as a 22A batt...
  11. Why won't a 7.2 ah battery power a blitz?
  12. I've always found these interesting rifles and often thought about getting one. There getting rarer now and going up In cost. Still wouldn't mind one but I can't shoot all I've got now. Tempted to sell the rapid and put the cash towards one, hmmmmm..... That stock looks pritty slanted (the cheek piece). I this a problem when shooting them?
  13. Pass plus did nothing for me 3 years ago! I started out paying 1800 quid and even on my 3rd year am paying 800 quid on a 1.2 clio.
  14. I will find the seller when I am somewhere with a better connection and send you the link mate,always ask them for a sample price.........Mack.

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