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Spot of Bother

Guest Champ606

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Guest Champ606

Evening All,


I was at my local forrest doing some training with my lurcher bitch, basic commands and retreving.

We where on an open green in a forrestry commission area and at the bottom of the green around 600-800 yards away a group of 5 horses and girls riding them appeared.

I clearly looked at them and let them know i had a dog in the area and was using it for training, in my opion they had a complete dis-regard for commen courtesy and after a couple of minutes all5 horses quickly started galloping towards us, I managed to get my bitch to sit next to me and stay.

Once all the girls and horses had galloped up to withing 10 yards of us I was very very frustated as we where using the area for training I decided to challenge them and a simple question ' so girls is there no place for commen courtesy in the forrest' ??


They all looked at me like i was from Mars and couldnt see any problem, I said I am clearly doing some training with my dog.


They responded with ' Its a public place we can do what we like! '


The frustation levels where raising more and more as i was not speakin to an adult but a bunch of know it all kids thinking they owned the place!


a some what ironic comment from of the girls was ' the dog should be on a lead and why dont we go down a bridal path!!! ' at this point I was ready to explode with furry as they had not an ounce of commen sense or manners between them!


I decided to say ok, I am going to loose the dog off and see what happens, its on your own heads ( knowing full wel my bitch is an angel around horses ' I slipped her and she was excited and bolted slightly and circled the horses a couple of times.


The horses got slightly aggetated and they then decided to move on.


I was so frustated and angry that an open space to be enjoyed by all was being abused and treated as there own!


Does any one what the official rules would be???

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Well manners cost nothing , and i dont particulary like horses they scare the crap out of me so i think they got off off lightly under the circs :laugh: because i would have been a dam sight more vocal than that if they had allowed the horses to gallop towards me thats for sure :laugh:

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I wouldnt have bein long slaping them mares on...................................... then taking the horses down to so trees and tying them up till some adult could tend to them .....


Iv had a run in with people on horses one off the top of my head there was a fella up on a horse down a twisty road one evening we where out doing cover and lost a foot beagle i drove up the road a bit and past a fella on a horse thought nothing of it then drove back down that road as there where not any site nor sound of the dog above that way coming back down the same road the fella on the horse pulls the horse out onto the road luckily i didnt hit it and i stoped he says "what do you think this is mondelllo park"?? i instantly shout back and "what do you think this is the f*****g curra" and took off ... Them folks on horses around the country side must think they own it or just the thin air up there geting to them ...... b*****ds..

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i met couple of kids on horseback in the wood this summer.heard them coming so moved off the path.an let them through,but the girl was barely in her teens and the lad younger couldnt work out why their parents wernt with them,as they met them on the road.anything could have happened a boar spook the pony and throw them or even a nutter snatch the girl. my kids wouldnt have been let out on their own if they had ponies.

Edited by forest of dean redneck
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Guest Champ606
i would have dropped my trousers and bared my arse.... that'll teach them :laugh:



HAHAHAHA I wil remember that next time :clapper::clapper:


Seriously though does any one know the official view point?

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Guest bigredbusa

well i would imagine when you let your dog off and if one of the girls got thrown ,your bollox would be on a platter .


it would be 5 against 1 , like i have said before if it looks as tho it is coming on top YOU SHOULD MAKE THE FIRST PHONECALL TO THE POLICE as the police have to act on the first call recieved and tell them they where trying to trample you and your dog with the horses .


oh and no doubt there would be signs somewhere saying that dogs should be kept on a lead , pretty standard stuff

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a women was riding past me once on her horse looking down her nose at my scruffy haired lurcher so i thought f*** her i knew the terriers wa working the cover one was on its way back to me she werent looking down her nose when the horse wonderd what the rustling was in the bush and started playing up. she should of being done for cruelty to the horse making it carry her the fat mess lol! i have nothing against horses or horsemen i used to ride when i wa younger just seems to go to some of there heads when there riding them.

Edited by marky r
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