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talk about bitter !

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My eyes, me eyes, where's the bleach?


pmsl :clapper::clapper:


Honestly tho, have any of you ever felt so wronged to be as possessed and obsessed as this dude? What a loser he must be; firstly to be taken in by a woman who's such an obvious slag, and secondly to find her attractive :thumbdown:

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wine her and dine her ? bet she looks grim with just a thong on :laugh:



She is being smeared by her ex, I think she is most likely a lovely woman, and, if we got together think how cheap the shopping would be with her being a expert shoplifter. Those women are certainly special........ :wub:

pmsl i reckon shes blowing you a kiss in the last naked pic.

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That may well be ... but have a quick read through. What a bloody plonker he is! He knew she was a theiving, cheating slag and he kept going back for more, and more, and more.


Have to totally agree with you on that one :victory: reading between the lines it sounds to me like hes really mad at HIMSELF deep down, for being such a twat and putting up with it and going back for more. He saw the signs from early on but instead of dump her when he had the alarm bells he kept going back for more punishment. You would need to be really barking to make a website slagging off yourself and how stupid etc you are, but in a round about way, this is exactly what this guy has done. The websites meant to be about her, but really, its all about him and his low self esteem. This kind of thing just confirms what I have always thought ..............


Relationships that start out online rarely work out because people can hide behind the computer and pretend to be something theyre not :thumbdown:


I didnt bother looking at the naked pics as Im having my breakfast the now :clapper: :sick:

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The websites meant to be about her, but really, its all about him and his low self esteem. This kind of thing just confirms what I have always thought ..............


Relationships that start out online rarely work out because people can hide behind the computer and pretend to be something theyre not :thumbdown:


I didnt bother looking at the naked pics as Im having my breakfast the now :clapper: :sick:


You said it well there SJM - it is definately about him. What a sad sack.


Some realtionships that start out online work just fine :whistling: Though I would have to say anyone can pretend to be something they're not, they don't need to hide behind a computer to do that. The pathetic bit about this is that he knew what she'd done from the start, he knew what she was and he kept on at it anyway. Silly bugger.


I resisted the naked pics at first but finally gave in. Wish I hadn't. They gave me nightmares.

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