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hi all,

i am looking for a locator set for my terrier but dont know what to go for as i cant afford a bellman & flint yet.

so i guess its between a mk1 15ft set or mk3,

BUT ive seen yous on about ovortox or something how much will that set me back?

and where would i get one?

and what do you find easier to use?


all help appreceated.


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Guest friedrice
hi all,

i am looking for a locator set for my terrier but dont know what to go for as i cant afford a bellman & flint yet.

so i guess its between a mk1 15ft set or mk3,

BUT ive seen yous on about ovortox or something how much will that set me back?

and where would i get one?

and what do you find easier to use?


all help appreceated.


my dad tested a bellman and flint for two years.he said they were unreliable,battery dident last long,and at three pounds a time work out expencive.

the houseing is shit and cracks at the screw theads and may last a few digs only and they cost abot £18.

try the debens long range outfit. about £170 .full back up and they last a lot longer than the b&f set up.

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hi all,

i am looking for a locator set for my terrier but dont know what to go for as i cant afford a bellman & flint yet.

so i guess its between a mk1 15ft set or mk3,

BUT ive seen yous on about ovortox or something how much will that set me back?

and where would i get one?

and what do you find easier to use?


all help appreceated.


my dad tested a bellman and flint for two years.he said they were unreliable,battery dident last long,and at three pounds a time work out expencive.

the houseing is shit and cracks at the screw theads and may last a few digs only and they cost abot £18.

try the debens long range outfit. about £170 .full back up and they last a lot longer than the b&f set up.


thanks for the advice much appreceated :thumbs:

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Guest johnD

i cant understand how your father friedrice came tosay that about the bellman i have worked wih one for two seasons and find them asuper invention totaly reliable and well worth themoney as for the deben locator system its a joke the collar and transmiter is flimsy and i wouldnt like to be relying on it on a deep long dig

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Guest lurcherboy2008

every dig iv had have either been on a mk1 or m3 mate they will work yes BUT iv broke through where it told me to and im like a foot away from the dog, i dont really like them to be honest i cant uset hem tidy but my mates can, iv also seen pics of a breakthrough on a terrier and its been right on top of the collar spot on, dont know how deep it was but all i knw is it was SPOT ON 100%. B&F for me now anyway i think bollux to these deben's i wouldnt trust them on anything more than 6 ft, why i dont know you tell me?

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hi all,

i am looking for a locator set for my terrier but dont know what to go for as i cant afford a bellman & flint yet.

so i guess its between a mk1 15ft set or mk3,

BUT ive seen yous on about ovortox or something how much will that set me back?

and where would i get one?

and what do you find easier to use?


all help appreceated.


my dad tested a bellman and flint for two years.he said they were unreliable,battery dident last long,and at three pounds a time work out expencive.

the houseing is shit and cracks at the screw theads and may last a few digs only and they cost abot £18.

try the debens long range outfit. about £170 .full back up and they last a lot longer than the b&f set up.

mate dont be giving out advice like that any thing debans has at the moment is not worth a f..k and there costumer service is shite

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every dig iv had have either been on a mk1 or m3 mate they will work yes BUT iv broke through where it told me to and im like a foot away from the dog, i dont really like them to be honest i cant uset hem tidy but my mates can, iv also seen pics of a breakthrough on a terrier and its been right on top of the collar spot on, dont know how deep it was but all i knw is it was SPOT ON 100%. B&F for me now anyway i think bollux to these deben's i wouldnt trust them on anything more than 6 ft, why i dont know you tell me?


lurcher boy your to tight to buy a bellman&flint :clapper:

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id save up a little time longer and buy a b&f.I purchased mine last year and find em bang on every time iv used it


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Guest coney catcher99

look in the edrd theres boys in there digging week in week out gm jp etc i doubt they would be using b&f if it was shite iv never heared a bad word about them they do take some time getting used to as they are so accurate and you have to take a bit of time to work it out my mate can use it as if he was born with it in his hand f****n show off :whistling:

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id save up a little time longer and buy a b&f.I purchased mine last year and find em bang on every time iv used it


So what do you use bigshot, if your going to keep posting why dont you say something constructive for once.

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The original casing for the B&F collar is shit, the plastic is too hard making it too brittle,. They've now changed it for a softer plastic, ive not yet used the newer casing.


Dont agree with the comment about batteries not lasting long, I left the locater box on for over a week by accident, and the battery level was @ 18%!!!! I left the collar on for 5 days and still plenty of life in it. (changed it before using it again though to be safe). & personally I always put decent batteries in.


& a tip for anyone interested, avoid the thought police, there are those that have poo pooed other options re locaters and also muchos duff info regarding the signal being emitted not being the same etc etc. :notworthy: to the lads who have researched the matter.

Edited by GD Waz
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Ive have used the MK3 long range deben and the B&F and i can say that the deben does its job but if you have it near electric power lines , mobile phones , Cameras basically anything with any kind of power supply then it is touch and go wheather you get a accurate location from it which i'm sure most people would agree is not a good feeling when your dog is to ground. As for the B&F it may have a fault but ive not come across it yet so my choice would be take that bit longer to save up and get the B&F i'm sure your terriers are worth it :thumbs:

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i bought a long range deben after getting fed up with my ancient box and it was nt all its cracked up to be f**king crap should have bought a bell man and flint years ago what a tool and saved the £170 now im stuck with it after getting it wet in the rain and it aint worked since and i love the bellman and flint and with the new digital camera batteries these days it will last you months

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have used the mk1 for alot of seasons they are ok but have let me down a few times which is not to bad when you have a sounder but last time it let me down had a hard dog in ground took all eveing in the dark with lamps all the pricking around and bother could have been stoped if i had a bellman and fint.so thats way i got one for pace of mind and good dogs are two hard find these days and could be lost to ground with a shit set up.bellman and flint any day. :thumbs:

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