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The Sound Of Grass Growing

Guest Ditch_Shitter

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Anyone else used to hear that? :hmm:


I did, when I was a chavvie. Really thought nothing of it at the time. Figured it was one of those things that people did, listening to it. Never questioned it.


Stopped hearing it before I was ten or twelve, couldn't say when. But it just didn't happen any more and I never really questioned that either.


Thing is, see; I Know I'm not the only one, and I know I'm not insane ~ well; If I am then grass growing inside my head sounds are purely icidental to it. I know this because a seemingly, patently sane person once wrote a novel which I happened to read. Character in that used to listen to the sound of grass growing inside his head.


Or maybe it was the story of a serial killer? :unsure:


Anyway, now that I've raised it, I'll bet it'll be cathartic for a good many of ye, eh? Come on now, 'fess up. You used to! Didn't ye? :yes:

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Wonder if its owt to do with hearing higher frequencies when your pre'teen? Bit like them mosqitoe things they use to disband crowds of kids!


Never heard of hearing grass growing in ye head though, a new one to me, must be my age :unsure: what does it sound like? Maybe the time I shot a fox hiding in a 12'x12' barn with a 12g ?? About three days I could hear that ringing in me head.

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i used to shut my eyes when i was about 7,8 at night everything was silent and used to get a weird floaty sensetion that time went very fast and i got this anoying i can only discribe it as a grinding but soft in my head used to scare me but i dont get it now thank god :lol:


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Guest Ditch_Shitter

:icon_eek: I'm genuinely astonished that no one else has experienced this. But I know it's for real because I remember it very clearly myself. Then someone mentioned it on a novel, look.


Gav; It sounds just as ye might imagine grass growing would sound, mate. Only thing I can really think of to compare it to is the sound of a rubber being drawn across wet glass, say? Or someone moving a bit of heavy furniture on casters. Ye know that sort of stretched, squeek sound? Damn; If I could produce it ye'd know immidiately what I'm trying to drive at here. Sometimes ye body can put out quite a similar sound in a bath. Rubbing again, see?


Anyway, I've since come to imagine it might literally be the sound of ye skull growing. That'd be why little kids might hear it but no adult does. There's probably only a short window of cognition too. First, simply too young to be conciously aware of its existence. Then, soon enough after getting into it, ye bone growth pattern must change in some way and so it stops.


Best I can come up with anyway :unsure:

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