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Had a trip out with a couple of members off the forum yesterday ,plus a couple more lads i know .Went to a chicken farm i have the ratting on .The farmer has just cleared 2 organic sheds of the last crops and promised some sport with the pack .We had to wait a while for the lads to pull the first shed to its new ground and leave behind a row of steaming shit which showed signs of a few rats but not the usual mass of holes we have seen .The reason for this was evedent as we stared digging it over .One of the drinkers had been leaking severely and the muck was saturated .Rats dont like this and we only found in one corner that was dry :thumbdown: Anyway we finshed this shed with a round number of spot on 100.The muck was pushed aside with a loader as these 2 sheds were back to back and they needed the room to pull the next one .After hitching on ,they pulled the second shed with ease over the slippery ground and it was soon evident that this shed was the reverse of the first ,being dry :victory:

We put the terriers away while the shed was pulled and allowed a few lurchers to run free .I worry about a terrier getting caught under the moving shed so to avoid that its lurchers only at this stage .Plenty of rats were caught as they bolted from the uncovered muck and once the shed was away and stationary we loosed the terriers to dig it over .Much better on this one as the muck was dryer and pockets of rats were uncovered slowly to allow the dogs to kill them all with no escapes .The tally was increasing nicely now and we only stopped to seperate the usual fights with the terriers .Buggers they are :icon_redface:

One of the lads had to go early as his terrier dog cut an artery in his leg on a sharp unidentified object and he picked up his other lot to get to the vets .This left us a bit short on dogs and as a few had been put away through other injuries, the remainder of 4 terriers and 4 lurchers did well to keep at it .Finished the day with a respectable 522 head of vermin .Would of been double had the first shed been dry .


Hopefully put up some action pics when i get them sent to me .

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

As the saying goes, mate; " Every little helps! " :clapper:


Hope the Dog's ok?


Mheanwhile, what I like most about that photo is the way it so clearly demonstrates the colour varience of the buggers. I mean, if ye made a long coat from that lot, not many would guess where so many subtle hues came from.


I'd like to come up with a truly melanistic one myself. That'd be straight in the freezer! :yes:

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As the saying goes, mate; " Every little helps! " :clapper:


Hope the Dog's ok?


Mheanwhile, what I like most about that photo is the way it so clearly demonstrates the colour varience of the buggers. I mean, if ye made a long coat from that lot, not many would guess where so many subtle hues came from.


I'd like to come up with a truly melanistic one myself. That'd be straight in the freezer! :yes:

Ditch mate-even though rats do come in various hues ,these variations are caused by different concentrations of chicken shit .The black ones having swam the width of the liquid slurry to be snapped up as they surfaced !

A coat of that lot would certainly guarrantee a space on public transport :clapper: .The dog is fine mate but the owner is down 63 quid for his trouble :thumbdown: .

Edited by foxdropper
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