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Yes its too thin. Salukis, Afghans, Sloughis, Azawahks etc.. do have long, flatter muscle than Greyhounds etc... because they are bred for stamina, not speed bursts like the Greyhound. I never said they were dull Brookie, they are just not responsive to continual training, they are unreliable in our working field. Like I pointed out about running past the hare on the track etc.. they often just "switch off" and please themselves. I did say I appreciate they are good and capable animal in their native land, but its a far cry from what would be expected of them here. They also suffer from a fair few inherited diseases which would need to be taken into account too.

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I have heard a lot of stories too. You have to ask yourself why the smooth Afghans or crosses of normal Afghans are not commonly used, these dogs will run tirelessly for extensive periods of time, could be very useful IF they could be relied upon and trained to a decent standard. Dont get me wrong, I love the breed, as I said my boss has owned them for 35yrs, I have known the breed for 15yrs, since they bought the kennels, but they aint no working Hound, although I appreciate its a very capable animal in its native country.


I run my Terriers at Afghan racing, on Greyhound tracks, I have often seen Afghans power past the Hare after it has broken down on the track and also waited for hours on end with many people trying to catch just one dog!


There is a reason why all these afghans you talk about run away and don't come back at any given opportunity, They are hunting dog that need to hunt! Unfortunately all these idiots like your boss get them to parade around show rings because they like their flowing coats and exotic looks! The dogs are stir crazy, the same as a lot of show saluki which also don't come back yet the dogs and breed are blamed. :censored:


I've kept pure Salukis for 15 years and never had any trouble with my dogs, also there is an afghan breeder local to me and she lets her afghan chase rabbit in the dunes and she has no trouble with her dogs.


These dogs aren't like labradors and collie dogs, etc. They are old very primitive hunting dogs and should never of entered the dog show scene.

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Unfortunately all these idiots like your boss get them to parade around show rings because they like their flowing coats and exotic looks! The dogs are stir crazy, the same as a lot of show saluki which also don't come back yet the dogs and breed are blamed. :censored:

Perhaps you'd like to take that back, my boss does NOT show the dogs! She has done simulated coursing and racing, other than that they are pets. I tell you what, you buy an Affie, train it to a decent standard and work it consistently for 3 seasons without the dog pissing off and pleasing itself whenever it chooses, and Ill gladly give you £1000! Mind you, Id need to watch it work regularly to prove my point, you need just oblige to prove yours! and it wont cost you much there are a good few in rescue!


Re Salukis, DIFFERENT kettle of fish altogether, temperaments are much more trainable. You have to admit IF Afghans were as good as you say, why arent they regularly used? Read ANY history on some of the old Sighthounds and you will see they are independant thinking animals bred to work themselves, largely without instruction, they do NOT take kindly to being told waht to do all the time. Salukis are better than Afghans in that light, but there are plenty of people on hunting forums giving these dogs what they need and still experiencing temperament and training problems with them.

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Racing and simulating coursing are worlds apart from hunting, I take nothing back.


Saluki and afghan are not a different kettle of fish at all they are regional variants of the same type of dog. I know that if bought an afghan pup I would have no trouble at all.


By the way my mother has a siberian husky that is perfectly biddable off lead, shock horror!!


There are those that know dogs and those don't, if your boss can't control her afghans after 35 yrs of keeping them there is something seriously wrong with the way she deals with them.

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Im sorry, please point out where I said she couldnt control them? Or did I say she takes them racing and coursing, and I have seen dogs run past lures on a track and will not be caught? Who said they were her dogs? You need to read the posts properly! :wallbash: Its all well and good saying "if I had one" you dont, nor have you, you base your experience on one person you know that has a couple, its hardly a wealth of experience is it?


I have only "lived" with them 15yrs, and I have seen a breed that will tolerate people but is not affectionate, that will perform well off lead one day then bugger off the next. Will steal one minute then wont eat the next. I agree they are a primitive breed, but please, I ask again, why are they not used regularly, given their stamina, if they are as easy as you say? Its no good slagging people off you dont know if you cant back up your statements.

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putting these two breeds togther imho ...your going to get a big bag off wind with flowing hair what will run out of land before it gets to its quarry .....and god forbid there isnt any barbwire fences ...it would take an age to untangle :D:D:D

Snoop, some breeders of Afghans have bred incredibly thick and long coats on them, they are just awful, and recently they have been CLIPPING their necks, holding their tails up over their backs and generally copying everything in the US show circuit! The Kennel Club have now ammended the breed standard to say any evidence of clipping should be heavily penalised and so it should. You still get sparsley coated ones, bare pasterns and hocks too, my boss particularly likes these and has had one such bitch and the present one she has was also not heavily coated untill after she had to be spayed.


I wouldnt say they are nervous, just aloof, standoffish and not really people oriented, yet in comparison, my friend 11 Salukis are very people tolerant, want a fuss and are reasonably willing to please most of the time.

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If she can control them then they obiviously can be controlled? If ever I don't hunt/exercise my Salukis enough then they will jump the fence and go and hunt for themselves, this is what to expect with these dogs they have need to hunt like a pet cat does however they will not run off, when I call them they will come back when told to heal they will. I expect all my dogs to respond to me regardless of breed.


They are'nt used because the lighter coat one lost out to thicker coated ones in the showing stakes and the original importers where obivious not looking to hunt. They are used in russia however as they were not all ruined by show breeder.


I kazakstan I saw dogs that were very like my own Salukis and some that were like light coated afghans all were perfectly managable in the hands of hunters.


Spoopdog some of the merlin and eve desent dog carry as much coat as an afghan cross would.

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If she can control them then they obiviously can be controlled?

Given the fact she has several totally fences acres the dogs run to their hearts content, but come back when they are ready, occasionally when they are called. She had a blue/black one that she could trust off lead all the time, however she has a spinal problem which now seems to be the reason for her "obedience"


Re coats they do vary a lot, if you look at the one Vladimir posted (Taigan) it looked like a christmas tree! :D and you couldnt get a more "native" one than that!

This bitch is my boss's she was 2yrs old in this pic. Obviously completely show bred (not shown though) you can see she does NOT have the long thick coat, she has bare pasterns on her front feet and bare feet and hocks on the back, the coat is fine and not thick at all, these dogs still exist and many are coated like the pics we see of the native ones.


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Guest ragumup
heres a saluki x afghan as you can see from the pic this dog oozes power and is built for speed i can assure the doubting thomas these dogs are far from dullafghancross.jpg

Have to agree with others looks more like an rspca case

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