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The Real Hw110 Replacement

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when i chopped the kids/my hw110 in the rdf hit me with an offer to good to be true..

the airwolf, now there was nothing wrong with this riffle and none of the issues that ppl where saying!

it was accurate as f and i pulled the best shot I've ever done with it!

but it was far to big for the kids to use not heavy or unbalanced but long!

so when i was in pickering guns the other day i was looking at the ultras for the kids to share, i was impressed with little hunters last week but the shot count is a bit low for messing about with the kids and its usually a fair trek back to the car so i gave them a choice and this is it :thumbs:

the toy shop


not exactly dressed for the job but its a busy farm and they tend to hang about longer when your not draped in camo!


took the fist shot at a crow at about 40yrd just to see how the zero was it could of gone anywhere just a lets see shot.. 1mil h/o

the kids couldn't believe it puff of black feathers and game over, its stuck in the thorn tree :D

had a little walk about the fields fair few rabbits about but the bin lids were arguing over everything and anything so the mooch was over before it really started :hmm:

so just got home and thought id have a little paper test, 4 in centre 1 in each corner and a tin of jsb's that aren't all fcuked!! result


atb si

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when i chopped the kids/my hw110 in the rdf hit me with an offer to good to be true.. the airwolf, now there was nothing wrong with this riffle and none of the issues that ppl where saying! it was a

the night is young rez our lass is dragging me round the town tomorrow night dressed up as the fecking joker... wonder if i could get away with the wildcat as part of the costume/theme!!! take out

tell you what Si you could not get away from that lad of yours if you try,d mate   Your fecking double   and your going to have to get your sgc for when that young lady grows up   There a credi

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Okay rant over ..................................barsteward..........................................twat.............................................fcuking envy, not a bit...............................&&^%£%^*)&&^£$£&%$$%$%W£W+_.........................................twat, bugger, already said that..................................can't think of more words...................................I give up :censored::censored::censored::censored:




Really pleased for you Si.............................twat, okay now done.





























YOU know how envious I am over that gun, soooooooooooooooooooooooooo nice. Only today I had thought after I get used to the FAC Rapid I think it likely that the HW will go and replace it with a Wildcat. Good on yer matey.


I might ask if I can come and have a play before making my mind up finally although we both know it really is made up. :boogy:



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same smile little hunter had on his face when he held the tx and melted si,s heart .


so you finally got your hands on it Si


new you would mate


now you will have Phil drooling over the last pic lol


nice one bud nice indeed


atvbjimmy :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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same smile little hunter had on his face when he held the tx and melted si,s heart .


so you finally got your hands on it Si


new you would mate


now you will have Phil drooling over the last pic lol


nice one bud nice indeed


atvbjimmy :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

Oh, it's becoming clearer now - that's how he gets a new rifle past the missus - 'It's for the kids love, honest' :rofl:


You crafty git Si :thumbs:

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Okay rant over ..................................barsteward..........................................twat.............................................fcuking envy, not a bit...............................&&^%£%^*)&&^£$£&%$$%$%W£W+_.........................................twat, bugger, already said that..................................can't think of more words...................................I give up :censored::censored::censored::censored:




Really pleased for you Si.............................twat, okay now done.





























YOU know how envious I am over that gun, soooooooooooooooooooooooooo nice. Only today I had thought after I get used to the FAC Rapid I think it likely that the HW will go and replace it with a Wildcat. Good on yer matey.


I might ask if I can come and have a play before making my mind up finally although we both know it really is made up. :boogy:



your welcome to have a go on it any time phil, ill take you to the mecca!

i chopped the hw 100 in toward its price and got a good deal, the impact is good but most of the features that bump the price up are redundant unless its fac!

the new 100 with the plastic/rubber stock was in too, it was a green and grey one.. cheaper but you'll know why if you get hold of one!

atb si

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same smile little hunter had on his face when he held the tx and melted si,s heart .


so you finally got your hands on it Si


new you would mate


now you will have Phil drooling over the last pic lol


nice one bud nice indeed


atvbjimmy :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

Oh, it's becoming clearer now - that's how he gets a new rifle past the missus - 'It's for the kids love, honest' :rofl:


You crafty git Si :thumbs:


the joys of being a single bloke jon!

last ten years with a money grabbing c@w... now i do what ever i want and probably spend more time with the kids than before :thumbs::thumbs:

atb si

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same smile little hunter had on his face when he held the tx and melted si,s heart .


so you finally got your hands on it Si


new you would mate


now you will have Phil drooling over the last pic lol


nice one bud nice indeed


atvbjimmy :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

Oh, it's becoming clearer now - that's how he gets a new rifle past the missus - 'It's for the kids love, honest' :rofl:


You crafty git Si :thumbs:

the joys of being a single bloke jon!

last ten years with a money grabbing c@w... now i do what ever i want and probably spend more time with the kids than before :thumbs::thumbs:

atb si

Oops, sorry mate.


Looks like you've made the best of it and, you've done a cracking job with those kids. All credit to you :thumbs:

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same smile little hunter had on his face when he held the tx and melted si,s heart .


so you finally got your hands on it Si


new you would mate


now you will have Phil drooling over the last pic lol


nice one bud nice indeed


atvbjimmy :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

cheers jimmy

same smile and dodgy hair cut!! lol

have you buckled yet and let him have a play with the tx yet?!

atb si

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I have to confess something here Si, I phoned ASI on Monday as we are off to Suffolk for some clay shooting and ASI is only about 8 miles away so I am off to pick up a load of info which they are putting to one side for me and with any luck to have a scan at some of the guns. :whistling:



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same smile little hunter had on his face when he held the tx and melted si,s heart .


so you finally got your hands on it Si


new you would mate


now you will have Phil drooling over the last pic lol


nice one bud nice indeed


atvbjimmy :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

cheers jimmy

same smile and dodgy hair cut!! lol

have you buckled yet and let him have a play with the tx yet?!

atb si


Ether tomorrow or Sunday si me and viz are taking him to the shooting range for the day


ill put a thread up when we do


he has a savings tin now si and is putting his pocket money in for when you come back up


bless him


but me and his mam and dad are putting in as well but he dose,,,,n*t,,,,,,,,,,,,,,know lol


atvbjimmy :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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tell you what Si you could not get away from that lad of yours if you try,d mate


Your fecking double


and your going to have to get your sgc for when that young lady grows up :yes:


There a credit to you bro


atvbjimmy :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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