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Decoying Pigeons And Crows In The Same Pattern

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Has any body done this and had results ?

And if so what would be the best pattern to use

Just asking , I went out earler in the week , and done the horse shoe , and added crows on the out side , all in one Bunch but spread out a bit , and managed 11 crows

But if they were all mixed up would it work ?



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I have a mate who stands at the hedge row with his back to the field and and throws the decoys over his shoulder . He then face them in to the wind and and then makes a bit of a space where he wants the birds to come in to land so he picks his kill zones .... He does this with pigeons crows and both mixed together and has good numbers . Must admit it's not my cup of tea but he seems to get better numbers than me lol

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On a still day, have your decoys intermingling with each other.- No pattern.

On a windy day, horse shoe can work but I still like to intermingle them but I never place them so the wind would blow " up their feathers".


Always try to use dead pigeons on cradles,- far, far better decoys.


Here`s an air rifle at work, this year, this method.




I`m sure you will appreciate the numbers will treble at least if I use my shot guns.



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I tend to put a couple of crow decoys on the edge of the pattern as confidence bosters to help draw the pigeons in but ive heard guys using a magpie or seagull decoys work just as well but ive never mixed them in with the pigeons

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I generally drop a few crow decoys on the edge of my pigeon pattern. It gives me the opportunity of a crow or two that may be passing by. :thumbs: . I don't think that I have ever mixed them in with the pigeon pattern though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tried 3 crows n 4 pigeons in a staggered V ,it drew Pigeons in 1 n 2,s but at last light 6 crows swooped down in 1 clump before that they,d wearily circled overhead but out of shotgun range.Don,t know if the pattern put them off or the mix of decoy,s but it wasnt that great a result atb

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