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Rabbit Numbers

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Hi around the area I live rabbits had virtually disappeared over a vast area including railwaybankings and woodlands but what a dramatic turn around there has been since spring.


The numbers have exploded with rabbits now everwhere I walk in significant numbers and still very young being seen with just this week starting to see another lot of young less than half grown around.


There has possibly been 4 lots of young since early spring.


I have lived here for 50 years and had never seen a crash in numbers which began possibly five years ago with no indication why.


By the same token I have never seen numbers increase in such a dramatic way as what has taken place this summer and long may it continue.


We have had a farmer ringing us asking us to start asap as he has seen a dramatic increase in numbers. We gave his farm a miss last year as there were very few about.


Just wondered what other people are seeing.

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The reason is simply that we didn't get a winter.


We had months of dreary, wet weather but no real hard cold snap. Look at slug and snail numbers, have you not noticed how many there are compared to normal? Likewise with a lot of flying beasties.


It didn't get cold enough to kill them while they slept / slowed down so there will be far more breeding throughout whatever it was that happened instead of spring and summer!

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I think its like the weather it goes round in cycles seen it before all you can do is look for new ground in another area and not massacre all the rabbits on your old permission which is usually okay as even the worst moaning farmers like to see a rabbit or two about . But if your seeing good numbers of rabbits about im inclinded to take my share when i can get them as theirs still time for a bout of myxi usually late August here and coccidious (spelling ) will flatten a lot of young rabbits

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