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Cream Legbarr

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No generally they barred all over - on some the barring is more pronounced than others. I'm not aware of any bantams as such but I guess some thing could be created with banty leghorns and barred rocks.

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Thanks gents. Then as a general question, what do we have here. The guy I had him from is a bit of a traditionalist so doubt he'd be douped. Very handsome cockerel of some pedigree I think.

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Could be anything Jok....when you get even a 1st cross it can throw multiple colours and types. In the making of Legbars some araucana blood was added to give a different coloured egg.....obviously the leghorn and rock to secure the autosexing ability.

The cockerel you have could be a leghorn cross - you do get lavender leghorn but without the red, also he has sizeable wattles and yellow legs.

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