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I New To Ferreting

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Most folk would need to win the lottery to get all the gear to go ferreting mate , you can certainly give it a go without a locator we managed for years before they where invented ,just use the field craft we practiced of old . No walking over a burrow no talking wait down wind and be prepared for a lot of waiting no saying your never going to need a locator but you can certainly get some ferreting

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Get a few permissions first. Permissions can run dry with myxi and over hunting or even be lost, so have as many as you can. It can be costly to buy fresh meat for ferrets if your not catching them rabbits. Locaters and collars cost a bit even second hand, but their worth every penny and essential imo. Try and get someone to take you out the first couple of times to make sure you like ferreting before you commit to buying ferrets.

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Hi mate you definitely will need a locator, as said Deben are the makers , but shop around on tinternet for a good price.

When you do start I bet that locator is on and bleeping within 5 minutes of putting the ferret to ground.

I totally agree , you need permission first though , then you will soon be able to pick some workers up .

4 I have at the moment came from a ferret welfare and rescue centre at different times , plus one came from the RSPCA,( :bad: ), they are all decent workers and have to be to earn me a crust.

Good luck , keep asking , i'm sure someone will have an answer for whatever questions you have. :hmm: .

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Get a few permissions first. Permissions can run dry with myxi and over hunting or even be lost, so have as many as you can. It can be costly to buy fresh meat for ferrets if your not catching them rabbits. Locaters and collars cost a bit even second hand, but their worth every penny and essential imo. Try and get someone to take you out the first couple of times to make sure you like ferreting before you commit to buying ferrets.

Great advice..

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  • 2 weeks later...

Simple as. Get out with someone who knows the ropes. It is not hard to grasp the fundamentals but takes a lot of time to learn the fine details. That little animal underground needs to be understood and you will learn a lot from listening to the ground sounds. Also, a good dog is pretty much essential. You will definitely have more success in the company of a good marker and ultimately that dog will nail what you might have missed. I don't agree with the comments about winning the lottery to fund your pursuit. It need not be overly expensive because all you have to do is meet the right people who will help you in every way. EVEN with perms. Stay lucky. Good hunting.

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