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First Night On The Lamp For Gem (Video Clip)

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Managed to convince my dad into taking me to one field for a quick lamp with GEM as I don't have my own transport. It was raving last time and we saw a lot of rabbits when we took Nottz dog pup there a couple week back who managed to catch four bunnys on his debut. With the wind I thought it was going to be perfect for my GEM but when we arrived it was a lot brighter than I thought.


By the way my dad insisted on lamping so I could film GEM running. It has been a few years since my dad has been out lamping so I thought it would be nice for him. As we entered the field, my dad brightened up the ground infront of us, a rabbit was hopping to our left and he slips the pup straight away but she doesn't see the rabbit and heads off in the other direction after rabbits she can see. Then we spotted another squatter so we made our way around to it, I tried to get him to follow me so he could put the pup in a better position but with the wind in our faces he didn't understand and slipped the pup again onto the squatter, I started to think he had lost the knack . Gem over shot and the rabbit made off with GEM trailing behind. Gems recall wasn't great I have to admit. She was sniffing the holes the rabbit had gone down but she did come back with a few whistles.


Then we spotted another squatter and this time my dad kept GEM on slip, he released the slip but then held her collar and made his way to the rabbit..... CLICK LINK TO WATCH THE RUN




The rabbit ran towards me and jumped into my lap, I trapped the rabbit between my legs for a split second but it fell for GEM. We managed a catch but I wanted it to be further away so she could retrieve it like shes been doing in the day. However it was better than blanking. My dad said he was knackered after walkng just the one field so we headed back home.


Good hunting




Edited by REW
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well done rew , at least as you say you didn't blank :thumbs: your pup done well , and good of your dad to take you out :thumbs: , he needs to get fitter though :laugh: . with squatters its a tricky one really, because when you walk up to them with a pup , and slip on the rabbit as its moved, the pup looking for movment in the beam if you see what I mean.? I know you got get the dog as close as you can to the rabbit, for the pup to see it in the 1st place. if you can get one sit tight enough and lift right under its nose , the pup will in time click that lump on the deck a rabbit, as oppose to looking for one moving in the beam, but well done :thumbs:

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