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Ferret In Season

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No it won't die. It's not necessarily good to leave a jill in season but many do it with no consequences. Best bet is to have him take her to the vets and ask for a jill jab to take her out of season. Alternatively find a vasectomised hob to bring her out of season. Or leave her, the decision is his.

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So long as you keep the cage clean, a jill left in season shouldn't come to any harm. By 'clean' I mean if she's on her own clean out the shit corner either daily or every other day at most. If more than one ferret kept together, do it daily. If kept in dirty conditions, in season jills can pick up infections and that's when they can die.

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Keeping her hutch scrupulously clean will have absolutely no effect on protecting her from potential illness. You may be stretched finding a vasectomised hob at this time of the year, as they are coming out of 'season' themselves. As has been suggested the shortening days should help, and a jill jab should be the last resort, but should be considered if she doesn't appear to coming out of season after a couple of weeks. The hormonal imbalance can be addressed this way to bring her back in cync. Best of luck with her.

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its sounds crazy but this is an old trick get a smooth round stone about size of a brick put it in beside a hob that has done his stud duties for the year for a few days then take it out and put it the centre of your hutch this can fool the jill cycologicaly and bring her back out not as quick as a hob can but quicker than being left in good luck with your ferrets

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