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All right then ,i believe all of Evolution is pure crap[except micro evolution]i believe we are taught it in schools as a science when it has no place in a science lab as science is what can be observed,with the exception of the above mentioned form of evolution all is fictional .I will give anyone £1000 if you can offer me any hard evidence of any other aspect of the theory eg.chemical,macro,etc.I would offr more but i haven t got it :pardon:

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Well.....i believe in that we, nature, all evolved through millions of year, adapting to the environment,the most adaptable survive, the weakest and those that became too specialized in a certain sphere died out. Darwin was the daddy....




“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.â€




Those that are responsive to change will perpetuate their genes....



Us humans are the exception.....IMHO... :yes:

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Guest bitsa lurcher

i think we are all part of a space alien experiement , ....the aliens dumped us on this planet they have let us evolve and every now and then they pop back here in there space ships to see how we are getting on .....why don't they land some of you are wandering , simple answer to that one , from up there in the stars they can see how much of a cock up we have made of the planet and are probably thinking to themselves , bugger that we are not going down there , the whole planet is pollutted :pardon:

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im all for evolution, fact vs fiction, there's more proof that we evolved than we were created.




if man evolved from monkeys and apes

why do we still have monkeys and apes??


It is believed that monkeys and apes are evolving again... so i'd say if that happens... its proof....


I think it'd be cool if we were "created" and supposed to be like we are because of some sort of "god" or whatever... but i think that there is way too much evidence that we did evolve, and werent just plonked here, and i echo JD's post...

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im all for evolution, fact vs fiction, there's more proof that we evolved than we were created.









if man evolved from monkeys and apes

why do we still have monkeys and apes??


Exactly what i was going to say along with,if crocs have been around for 100's of millions of years,why didn't they evolve further,and if the argument is "they are perfectly adapted to there envioronment",why aren't we all crocs? :hmm: I believe evolution is a theory,and not set in stone fact.

Edited by bill88
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Guest oldskool

i think there is as many questions about the evolution of man as there is about the creation of man by god... i once asked my religious education teacher at school about the evolution of man and the fossils that were found etc... her theory on it was that the fossils were created by the devil to throw mankind off the notion that there was a god... i think she is in the nut house at present :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: .... anywho, i was left none the wiser :blink:

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If you believe in micro evolution, you have to therefore realise that evolution is just the same thing over a longer period of time :doh: If every animal on this planet was unchangeable and their offspring were the genetic clones of their parents, creationism may have a very very small ray of light to base any of their theroies on. However they are instead based on a story about jesus, which i should add there were dozens of 'messiahs' claming the same thing before and after jesus. One of those 'sons of god' were followed but they went for the jesus idea instead when women weren't allowed to join that religion. This is all widely known fact. The bible is wrong so it is interpreted differently in an immature attempt at denying fact. I thought armageddon was coming? They have adopted micro-evolution as fact in recent times so when you believe in evolution that will be gods plan too won't it. Theres no winning an argument against blind faith.


Scientists: Humans who base their beliefs on fact from what they can observe and problem solve. Sometimes wrong, BUT THEY ADMIT IT and search for truth.

Creationists: Humans with the unfathomable ability to cover their ears, shut their eyes tight and scream 'NOT TRUE!'. Tantrums sometimes follow when holes are poked in their faith.


I won't associate myself with any religious man or woman, i have no time for idiots.

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Guest bitsa lurcher
i told my religious education teacher if the bible is true then there must be snakes that can talk,


i got told to be quiet :laugh::laugh:


my religious teacher used to make me sit outside .........i don't think he was to keen on the space alien theory :doh:

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The question was if anyone can prove evolution I will give them £1000.Micro evolution is the short term adaptability of species to their immediate enviroment,which is quite easily seen and proven eg Darwin observed how finches had adapted to their enviroment,Macro evolution is the changing from 1 kind to another which is the exaggeration of micro evolution and an ASSUMPTION.

A long ,long time ago in a galaxy far far away stuff.Stephen Hawkings believes in I D Intelligent design,Darwin himself said in his book "Origin of species "that his theory could not explain the complexities of the human eye.You can breed cow to cow ,dog to dog ,cat to cat etc and you will never get anything other than the kind bred,no new information can be added.The theory of evolution goes against the laws of physics eg 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics,im assuming thats why Hawkings etc believes in Intelligent Design.

The reason i started this thread was the other night i started to read my son a book on astronomy,and it said that 400million years ago all matter was condensed into a dot the size of a full stop,and in another 400million years all matter in space will be condensed back to the same condition.Where did the scientific info for that come from,i love science but i like to see evidence of what i believe.

Also im not trying to prove Christianity as some have assumed by their replies but just asking for proof of evolution.

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Guest ragumup

I believe life on earth all started when the earth moved the right distance from the sun and luckily the earth has water ie the sea, that combined with the suns heat and oxygen is how life began imo In the sea tiny bacteria type things, stared to multiple with the suns heat and slowly grow in to primitive life forms and over time change into things like plankton and eventually fish then fish into reptiles that walked out the sea then reptiles into mammals and birds and so on until ape like mammal evolved into man {and women }and man luckily hit the evolutionary jack pot with his large brain the rest is history so there no god" no ghosts" no santa etc etc IMO The only thing that puzzles me, is space where is it? where does it end? whats up or down in space ??????????????????????????

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