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well whatever lad , the reviews I read wer all good the lads from the north reckoned he was the best judge they ever seen ,don't know wher you read your reviews but the ones on fb were all good on lurcher and terrier shows feedback there was nothing on this but abuse towards tommy Cullen from doggymen that spit there dummys when there not in the limelite , pure jelosy , tommy is a great bit of stuff but there are people nearhim that reak with jelosy and they are laughed at every time they storm off when there not picked ,lol its all only fun at the end of the day and no one has the right to down trodden a judge ,if you don't like him or her don't enter your dogs ,take no offence jon deere just my point of view just went true this and nothing bout judgeing at balto

Edited by the fieldfare
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what the f**ck has that got to do with being a judge of a lurcher to be fair he,s keeping lurchers for years and id imagine he,s being asked to judge by the organisers so whats the problem you obvious

Travelled over from Wales for this one, show was very good, welcome was amazing, and the weekend was one to remember

Few of us came over to the show, had a great welcome and a good day at the show, the burger van done a mean 1/2 pounder and cheap too so was well happy, pubs were great but you boys need to start dri

lol that's what I was thinking myself take no notice of him or her that dog you bred that you sold to P R in wexford is doin serious stuff ..will be breeding a bitch of mine to him when she softens the seven 8s dog beddy x

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you went to tilahely john deere ???? ya somebody is fairly sore alright fieldfare ... and now has to resort to going to shows like tilahely to secure a place in the pets class (maybe you should have went there...where ive a funny feeling all your dogs belong by the looks of them ! and in saying all of that its water off a ducks back ! if theyre not moaning about one judge there moaning about the next ! no body will ever be right in these type of idiots one track thinking (me ,myself and I) sad ! youll never be true lurcherfolk ....respect has to be earned ! and allways remember ! when you are thoroughbred arseholes its only a figmint of your imagination if ye are thinking people like or respect ye ....you are the same in there eyes as you are in mine ... and this is common knowledge in the irish lurcher world ....now go wash your pets and while your there it would be no harm to give yourself a scrub

...ps ive judged 4 shows this year and refused a fifth due to bad timing ..... that's respect ! ........a lot of people seem to think im worthy ....I WAS JUDGING SHOWS WHEN YOU WERE A CLUELESS WANABE HUNTER (which I personally still think you are).... and youre presence will never be accepted or missed at any show...........dog dealer .....LLOOOOOOLLLLLL ! .......sticks and stones - may break my bones - but names will never hurt me kid ....MY NAME IS JIM DALTON , I AM A CORKMAN THAT DOESNT HIDE BEHIND A LAPTOP .....FAREWELL COWARD !

Edited by the cormarant
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Better judges out there then you judges that don't pick they're friends ANY JUDGE that I have seen in the last 5 year don't pick they're friends they pick the thing with 4 legs and a long tail like they are supposed too do regardless who owns them


P.S hear all the cork boys cleaned up down there

All the good lurcher men from Wexford and Waterford didn't get a look in

Down there it's not what you have ... It's who you are remember that old man

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lol .. speaking through the arse again and your good at it ..... it is a known fact in the lurcher ring that all my friends are personally asked to stand back for the day when I am judgeing so idiots like you don't get the chance to throw it at me or to use it as an excuse as to why your dogs didn't win...... and regardless of where the dog comes from / whateverside of the country that may be - if its brought to me in dirty / ill treated condition it wont get very far .....and again name one cork man that was placed ....

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no cork man won


and remember regardless of where the owner is from


its the thing with the tail and the four legs im watching lol


I enjoyed this conversation until it dawned on me how much time I was wasteing


try growing a pair lad


good luck with your moaning !

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      And Finally may I take this opportunity to thank the Judges on the day.
      Lurchers/Stewart Graham
      Terriers/ Ciaran Fullan
      Whippets/ John Mc Stay
      Bullies/ Danielle Mc Dowell
      Strong Dogs/ Ryan O Neill
      Pets / Thomas Mc Donald
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      Margaret Mc Stay
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